Green Belt
After nearly 2 years of extreme pain and disability, I finally gave in and had spinal fusion, the operation lasted nearly 14 hours and has left me immobile (for the time being) and slight paralysis in my right leg, I also have no feeling in parts of my right leg and the back of my head, but that and the paralysis should be gone in about a year when the nerves regenerate. I was wondering if anyone else has had a lumbar/sacral fusion and how the recovery went, how long, etc...? My doc said I can resume T'ai Chi soon, and Karate/Kempo in about 4 months after phys. therapy. Anyone else experience this? Right now I'm in a lot of post op pain, and some heavy narcotic pain meds, which I hate... Any advice or stories? Thanks!
Yours in Kempo!
Yours in Kempo!