3rd Black Belt
After hurting my low back last november while weight training my legs by squating. It was that last set and like always that last one. (poor form.. my fault completely) anyhow, my low back ached terribly. started looking for a cure. One night I saw a commercial for a Teeders hang-up, an inversion table. I researched inversion and BAM! I purchased one. I had talked about it to a couple of doctors- they advised against it. You are hanging upside down afterall. After getting use to the table and inverting and learning to relax, my lumbar through cervical spine popped...WOW! NO MORE low back pain. It may not be for evryone, but I am hooked. Now I know why Grandpa Munster was so giddy! Hanging up side down like a bat! Anyone else ever tried one?