train to take pain???

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Hang on........isnt the whole point of martial Arts to stop getting into situations where your gonna be really hurt. Whats the point of hitting yourself and learning how to take pain when you can just do full contact sparring and at least practise techniques at the same time!
I injured my left middle knuckle while training on gravel bag. Now it looks bigger than the one on my right hand. But it is not the bone has grown bigger. Rather the scar tissue growing around the knuckle, makes it look bigger.
Originally posted by kenposcum

Well, one of my colleagues is a doctor, and he said that everytime you punch something, little itty bitty hairline fractures appear in the bone of the knuckle. After time, calcium forms over these fractures (reinforcing the conditioned area) and giving the practioner those knobby karate knuckles. For example, look at pictures of Bruce Lee's or Mas Oyama's knuckles. Were they big and nasty-looking? Did both of those men condition their fists? Aye!
Furthermore, bone is stronger than pretty much any rock, pound for pound. The fibrous insides of the bone provide phenomenal structural support...when a bone is broken, it tends to be a result of leverage working against the bone as opposed to structural failure of the bone itself.
And when said bone does heal, there's a calcium lump over where the bone broke, making the bone stronger.
Read any Anatomy and Physiology textbook, it'll tell you pretty much the same stuff, only in more high falutin language. Now, is that enough medical proof for you?:asian:

Your colleague needs to go back to medical school. True..."little itty bitty" hairline fractures occur (Is that the medical term?), called micro-fractures. They do *not* however make bone stronger. Bone is also not stronger then rock. The *structural* integrity of bone is phenominal...IF the structure is behind it. A bone itself, by itself, doesn't have much take alone. Take a bone...hit a rock...which one breaks?

The calcium deposits are the body's attempt to seal up the gaps that have been created in the fibers of bone...not to make it stronger. I've read many anatomy and physiology textbooks and have never read any provable types of claims, though I have heard such things from the mouths of people who wanted it to be true to validate them beating up their bodies.
Well, striking does deaden the nerves. Especially in muay thai, the first few days will pretty much bang and bruise up your shins. After a few months, they'll be one of your best tools.
i wouldnt recommend it. you will only damage yourself more and perhaps cause permenent damage to yourself.
I think training to "take" pain may be, in the end, self-defeating. However, I think you should train in such a way that being hit is not such a shock to the system which will allow you to continue and survive the attack.
Originally posted by 928Porsche

I think training to "take" pain may be, in the end, self-defeating. However, I think you should train in such a way that being hit is not such a shock to the system which will allow you to continue and survive the attack.

I would have to agree completely. Your training in MA while teaching your body to endure more, is focused on saving yourself from pain or injury. To put your self through pain even in the name of training, doesn't reach the true goal of MA. Which is to protect yourself from pain.

I think more devistating blows don't come from people who hit the torso region.

Yes, you can get a knockout with a kick to the midsection but it usually doesn't happen that often.

I'm saying that most people get hit in the neck/jaw. So if you want to do some training, train by getting hit in the jaw and not the midsection.
But why oh why do so many masters and texts implore us to condition our bodily weapons? I think it's a really good idea, one that works.
As Kenpo great Steve LaBounty said, "You can't become a good fighter without getting a few dents in your body." Where those dents come from, I suppose, is your business...I'd also like to say that I strongly agree with getting those shocks (and dents) from a training partner during heavy contact sparring is the best way to go for combat efficacy. Hey, "Boards...don't hit back!"
Well, I think bashing oneself is legitimate, if one takes care not to go too fast too quick and damage oneself.:asian: