The Kempo(this is spelled correctly) of Grandmaster Taika Seiyu Oyata, is very different from other forms you have listed though he did have some assosiation with Master Odo.
1) Taika Oyatas kempo is more correctly called Ryu Te Oyata Shin Shu Ho, or simply ryukyu kempo.
It is not at all from the same lineage as ed parker.
2) Taika learned from Uhugushuku no Tan mei, and Wakinaguri no tan mei, both bushi of old (samurai).
Uhugushuku taught Taika the art of Tuite Jitsu and the Weapons kata, Wakinaguri taught Taika Kyusho Jitsu, he was one of the last masters of this art, like Uhugushuku, his fingers were all the same lenght from pounding coral pumice, and a unique thing about
3) Uhugushuku no tan mei, was he still wore a topnot, the sign of the bushi, this practice had beenoutlawed by the Satsuma way back in 1609, and this man still wore it, this is how Taika Oyata found Uhugushuku, and he found Wakinaguri through Uhugushuku. These men had been living on okinawa for there whole lives, and were not going to pass there art down as they had no children, and there was no need to take a student in these "peacefull times"
However when WWII broke out, Oyata had finally contacted Uhugushuku, and Uhugushuku acceted him as a student because of his family lineage (Zana Oyakata, okinawan bushi family).
4) Uhugushuku took Oyata as his own son, calling him mago.
Through these men Oyata was haded true fighting arts, untainted. However this art is not openly taught, Taika Later studied undr Shiguri Nakumura and learned the 12 empty hand katas that are openly taught today. Taika oyata refers to this art as Ryu Te, and his Family art as Shin Shu Ho (literally "To attain true moral goodness and express it in ones everyaction")
Shin Shu ho is only taught to a hand picked group of Senior Students in whome Taika Oyata beleives can and will pass down this art for generations to come.
Please forgive me for my spelling errors, as I am only 15 and cannot spell anyway, and it is 1:07 am.
5) If you would like more info on this subject please feel free to contact me at