tradition of wearing your new blackbelt for 24 hours

All the schools I've been in didn't permit anyone to wear a Black Belt outside of a TKD event. And you have to arrive and depart the event wearing a suit and tie. And no one was to wear their belt outside the dojang either. (the BBs don't need to wear their suite to or from the dojang)

Sounds like this is a test of gallibility.

Many have them.

Airforce- go find some flight line
Tradesmen- go get me a box of scribed lines
Boy scouts- snipe hunting or left / right handed smoke shifter
The list goes on and on.

It is an interesting concept. I like it actually. I think once I get my BB I will do this, or maybe wear it around the house awhile. I know I will sleep with it. :uhyeah: If I can sleep.
Never heard of it.

I have a fancy one I wear for promotions. Other than that I've been known to put on a white belt while I teach, wear no belt at all, or wear whatever I have lying there at the moment. It isn't the belt that matters to me. It's the knowledge.
It took me ten years before I graded to my black belt amd I'll admit I cried my eyes out when it was first put in my hands! I did sleep with it on the pillow next to me though but that's me! We don't wear Gis or belts outside the dojo.I know there are people who say a belt is just for holding up trousers etc but for a lot of us it is a huge milestone/achievement.
I have heard of it. It was either in a mag or on this forum. I'm not a BB, but I did fall asleep after a long day of testing for my 1st gup with my full uniform on. I woke up on the couch freezing my butt off. I changed and went up to bed. That's the only time I've done it and it wasn't on purpose.
We don't have any tradition that I'm aware of but I know when I get my black belt I'm not taking it off for a long time. I'll wear it to bed, in the shower, on dates with my wife, to my kid's graduation - they'll have to bury me in it cause' I'm going to clinch it tight even with cold, dead hands.
Never heard of it.

I have a fancy one I wear for promotions. Other than that I've been known to put on a white belt while I teach, wear no belt at all, or wear whatever I have lying there at the moment. It isn't the belt that matters to me. It's the knowledge.

Couldn't agree with this more. When I work out at the house I wear my original white belt I got in the 80's. I figure when it gets black it will be a black belt. It's kind of greenish gray in color now :uhyeah: .
The only people I know that do this is Bob Jones Zen Do Kai group. It seems strange to me, but I'm not Bob Jones and I don't make the rules.

He used to use a lot of stuff he took from Japanese films like Akira Kurasowa's Ran and some of the older samurai movies, so some of the stuff is a bit odd.
I have never heard of this either, i must admit i find it a little strange. I can kinda see why, it's an honour to wear one and when i get mine i'll be wanting to wear it all the time, but only in training i think.
We don't have any tradition that I'm aware of but I know when I get my black belt I'm not taking it off for a long time. I'll wear it to bed, in the shower, on dates with my wife, to my kid's graduation - they'll have to bury me in it cause' I'm going to clinch it tight even with cold, dead hands.

That's exactly how I felt, still do three years on if I'm honest! I also feel if I don't hang on to it someone might take it away and say it was a mistake as I didn't pass!
Damn all those who are confident enough to not need a belt lol! Seriously I do hate people who look down on you beause you are pleased with your grading, "the only belt I wear is one to hold my trousers up" brigade! A lot of us need to grade and be told we did okay, we aren't as confident in our abilities perhaps as they are but we don't deserve being belittled coz we are proud of earning our belts. So there lol! Rant over.
Being proud of your achievements is ok. Being egotisical about them is not. Many become egotisical about it and not just proud. You shouldn't need the belt for the confidence level it should be praise on your ability by your peers or your instructors.
Being proud of your achievements is ok. Being egotisical about them is not. Many become egotisical about it and not just proud. You shouldn't need the belt for the confidence level it should be praise on your ability by your peers or your instructors.

I don't have any 'peers' in my club. I have my instructor who is way above me then all the other adults who are MMA. I am the only adult who does TMA as well. My instructor and I teach children TMA but no adults want to do it so I don't wear a belt in the adult class. In MMA I fight therefore stand or fall, literally, by those standards. I don't have an ego about MA but due to the association I was with before this club I have a low opinion of my MA and need very much to be told I can do it. It's an old story I guess many of you will know what I'm talking about, the club I was with a long time ago taught well enough but the gradings were expensive and everyone passed. Being new to MA at the time and not wanting to believe it, I took a long time to cotton on it was a McDojo. I really liked the people there and it was a rather hurtful experience which has left me feeling as if I'm never quite good enough. My instructor encourages us to train with other clubs, go on seminars etc but I never feel I can. he does get exasperated with me as my MMA is actually good it's just the lack of self confidence in TMA. Anyway that was well off track sorry!
I don't have any 'peers' in my club. I have my instructor who is way above me then all the other adults who are MMA. I am the only adult who does TMA as well. My instructor and I teach children TMA but no adults want to do it so I don't wear a belt in the adult class. In MMA I fight therefore stand or fall, literally, by those standards. I don't have an ego about MA but due to the association I was with before this club I have a low opinion of my MA and need very much to be told I can do it. It's an old story I guess many of you will know what I'm talking about, the club I was with a long time ago taught well enough but the gradings were expensive and everyone passed. Being new to MA at the time and not wanting to believe it, I took a long time to cotton on it was a McDojo. I really liked the people there and it was a rather hurtful experience which has left me feeling as if I'm never quite good enough. My instructor encourages us to train with other clubs, go on seminars etc but I never feel I can. he does get exasperated with me as my MMA is actually good it's just the lack of self confidence in TMA. Anyway that was well off track sorry!

Boy, how can I relate to that. I was spoon fed the traditional crap, bow to the poster of some 95 year old "grandmaster" that can supposedly still kick ***. pay homage to your teacher junk. All the while thier bleeding you slowly of money with all of the hidden fee's that by the time you relize how much your in it for you chin just drops.
At my Muay Thai school we never bow to some mystical character, we address our teachers by thier first names, and we don't practice all of that mumbo jumbo that is associated with so many TMA's.

Boy, how can I relate to that. I was spoon fed the traditional crap, bow to the poster of some 95 year old "grandmaster" that can supposedly still kick ***. pay homage to your teacher junk. All the while thier bleeding you slowly of money with all of the hidden fee's that by the time you relize how much your in it for you chin just drops.
At my Muay Thai school we never bow to some mystical character, we address our teachers by thier first names, and we don't practice all of that mumbo jumbo that is associated with so many TMA's.

:armed: Uh oh, those kinds of comments usually turn into a lengthy debate.