tradition of wearing your new blackbelt for 24 hours

donna said:
In our system, when you earn your brown belt, and again when you earn your black belt, you are required to wear it for 24 hours before you take it off for the first time. This is all inclusive for showering, work, sleep, etc.. you are not supposed to take it off. It is supposed to represent how the rank you have just attained becomes part of your life inside and outside of the dojo. Do all arts practise this or is it only some that do it?

I was never required to wear it for 24 hrs. I put it on at the end of the test, but once things had come to a close, I took it off.

We make you were only your black belt a streak around the outside of the dojo building with a sign that says "Intro Offer - Free Karate Uniform".

Just kidding.
I've only seen that at one of the dojos where I've trained. Even then, it wasn't a strict tradition, as long as you took it off when you went home, and not in the dojo.

In all honesty, it's just an individual dojo's choice. Nothing more. If it promotes unity and strength within the school, then more power to the practitioners of such a thing.
I'v never heard of this tradition before, in my school we are not even aloud to wear our belts outside of the dojo.
Dark said:
Are sure it wasn't a joke, alittle leg pulling now that you have Dan rank? Kinda like asking for chem-lite batteries in the Military..?

LOL! chem-lite batteries brings back a funny memory about a gullible butter bar that was sent from tent to tent looking for them.
donna said:
In our system, when you earn your brown belt, and again when you earn your black belt, you are required to wear it for 24 hours before you take it off for the first time. This is all inclusive for showering, work, sleep, etc.. you are not supposed to take it off. It is supposed to represent how the rank you have just attained becomes part of your life inside and outside of the dojo. Do all arts practise this or is it only some that do it?
I think its good to use martial arts teachings in everyday life, but advertising that you have a black belt to everyone kind of goe's against martial arts philosophy anyway, and it could cause trouble for you. I think it's best to keep your rank to yourself, exept around other martial artists.
Yes, I have heard of this "tradition". However, it was said in the context of being tongue-in-cheek and not meant to be taken literally or seriously.

This is teasing the idea of how some people who get their first dans after working for so long and so hard, especially after a very tough belt test, that the newly minted BBs *feel* like they don't want to take their new belt off.

The "tradition" (or probably would be more correctly defined as an urban legend or myth) is a play from that common feeling and is not intended to *actually* be done.

- Ceicei
ANNOUNCEMENT: In honor of this thread I will be teaching my segment at the M&G in nothing but a belt.

Well, maybe some tabi...

and Crisco...

Kreth said:
ANNOUNCEMENT: In honor of this thread I will be teaching my segment at the M&G in nothing but a belt.

Well, maybe some tabi...

and Crisco...


Uhhhhhh .......... Bobbers, I'll be taking that raincheck about now .... :anic:
New to me. Seems a bit extreme to me as well. Sorry I think it is the hard work and sweat that make it a part of who you are.
Having earned 5 black belts to date, I've only heard of this "tradition" within the last year. Nothing wrong with it though IMHO. But I wouldn't do it personally. I have my own rituals.
Hello, Only time we are allow to wear our belts, is after enter the class/dojo..kneel down and put our belts on....end of class..kneel down to take off belt...NO one is allow to walk outside with belts on.

Going to an outside bathroom is an the Hotel ballrooms for Seminars.

Demo's is the same unless we are in a parade (happen once only). We wore our belts for this.

Each system can make there own rules.......24 hours..? Seens nonsense? .. (bringing down the meaning of earning a Black belt)...Aloha
The belt is hidden under you clothing, not visible for all to see. I have sent off an email to our head to see if he can explain why this tradition is followed , or where it originated.
Never heard of this tradition before, but I guess each school has their own way of doing things. We are definately not allowed to wear our belt with anything other than the gi (or instructor`s jacket for teachers)
I'm another who has never heard of such a tradition, but if its what your school does, embrace it. Whether or not others think it's silly is irrelevant. I can say that you probably aren't the first person to go to sleep with your new black belt on.

My two cents
It was sugested by my Sensei and others of rank to never wear my gi or obi in public so that would rule out the 24hr deal for me. Some of the kids would wear their gi but they had to remove the belt before they could leave the dojo.
ANNOUNCEMENT: In honor of this thread I will be teaching my segment at the M&G in nothing but a belt.

Well, maybe some tabi...

and Crisco...


DAMN! I just knew I should have gone, and brought a camara. :)

Oh yeah, never heard of this either.
Well, we do the same sorta thing in our dojo, where once Kancho gives you your first dan black belt he tells you to keep it on for 24 hours. But I know that Kancho does it as sort of a joke and it's definitely not taken so seriously. If you don't want to wear it outside of the dojo then that's fine. It's just a bit of fun for us, whether the BBs realise it or not. I would imagine alot of them take it seriously. I always find it amusing when he tells someone to keep it on for 32 hours (or more) and to see the look on the BB's face is priceless. It makes me wonder whether they actually do it or not.

I'm not saying your system is the same, but that's just us. By the way what style and school do you train in/at?