Just woundering how many people are out there with Traco linieage.
if so what mine goes
Tom Connor sr. & jr. -Peter Hill-Aaron morris
______________________________________________) -ME
Tom Connor sr. & jr-Bill Packer -?-Peter Hill-Chris Dixon
Peter Hill
______)-Craig Palm- Me
Ray Fisher
I dont train with Mr. Palm any more becouse i moved but i still think as him
as one of my teachers.
Just woundering if theres any family out there.
if so what mine goes
Tom Connor sr. & jr. -Peter Hill-Aaron morris
______________________________________________) -ME
Tom Connor sr. & jr-Bill Packer -?-Peter Hill-Chris Dixon
Peter Hill
______)-Craig Palm- Me
Ray Fisher
I dont train with Mr. Palm any more becouse i moved but i still think as him
as one of my teachers.
Just woundering if theres any family out there.