tournament tournament tournament!

Every tourny I've been to divides it up by rank age and gender. Gender for sparring at least. I like fighting guys better though. They seem to make it more interesting.
Great Job Let's party just kidding go back and train harder now!!!!!:-partyon:
short post earlier, had to run to work.

my divison was very small, I only had to fight once. But I was glad I fought the girl I did - she was a brat and I WANTED to beat her - we were talking, she was sitting to the left of me before we started, (she was two belts ahead of me) and she was like, "I've been to nine tournaments and I ALWAYS win."
My sister was watching my fight and right as we began, her coach told my sister that I was gonna lose... and I ended up winning 5-2. IMO opinon it should have been 5-3... the girl scored a reverse punch on me as I wheel kicked her head but I didnt make contact, but one of the judges scored it anyway, so it was "not enough". The 2 pts she scored was when I was on the backline and I turned to reverse punch her and she side kicked me... before that it had been 4-0. I should have run out of bounds, because I had no warnings. Oh well. She also had a kick that I think should have scored, I havent looked at the video yet, so she MAY have actually beaten me? I don't know, because I also had a reverse punch that scored that didnt get called... Needs further investigation...

Anyway, it was a pretty cool experience... I saw a lot of fighters and kata people that really sucked. I saw bad attitudes. It made me appreciate my school much more... But I also saw dedicated martial artists, people that love their training. I saw very few "average" ma-ists... everyone seemed dedicated and skilled or flashy with wobley stances, trophy-hearders who screamed at the judges if they didnt win. I learned a lot, and most of it wasnt about fighting.
Great job Sam!! Congrats!! :-partyon: :-partyon:

Looking forward to seeing the vid!! Keep up the great job!!

I'm glad to hear your first tournament went well. It's always good to hear that people still have postive experiences at tournaments, I was soured by them a long time ago. It's also great that after experiencing the attitudes and people from different schools you appreciate yours all that much more.

I think you got the most out of this tournament experience: you learned a few things, and that's better than any trophy.

Samantha said:
1st place. I have a vid, I'll upload it soon.. but I gotta go to work now...
Oii! Way to go! Congratulations, mon amie, looking forward to that vid. =D
Samantha said:
... everyone seemed dedicated and skilled or flashy with wobley stances, trophy-hearders who screamed at the judges if they didnt win. I learned a lot, and most of it wasnt about fighting.
Good for you, Sam. :D And, congratulations! :-partyon:
Samantha said:
Anyway, it was a pretty cool experience... I saw a lot of fighters and kata people that really sucked. I saw bad attitudes. It made me appreciate my school much more... But I also saw dedicated martial artists, people that love their training. I saw very few "average" ma-ists... everyone seemed dedicated and skilled or flashy with wobley stances, trophy-hearders who screamed at the judges if they didnt win. I learned a lot, and most of it wasnt about fighting.
You are a very perceptive young woman.

I used to compete in art shows and I learned more about people by doing so than I learned about art, also.

Congratulations on you victory!!

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