Tournament result from Saturday


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
We participated at the Texas Cup this past weekend as a team we did fantastic. It is a smaller tournament so we only take the beginners trying to get soem experience. We came home with 7 first place, 8 seconds and 5 third place trophys.

On the other hand Zachary was doing some refereeing and was ask to be on the US team that was going to compete against Mexico, as always he had his gear and stuff in the van so he said yes. He foiught a great fight against a 28 year old and won 18-16, the US won all seven matches it is the first time the US has sweep this portion of the tournament in six years. Now the bad news Zachary broke his left wrist, so he will be learning how to workout with the little problems so he can get ready for going to Puerto Rico in November. He will be fine and as a follow up with the main doctor Monday afternoon.

Hoping nothing more than a clean break by the emergency room last night but they still want him to be seen by a specialist.
Congratulations Terry on the teams success and tell Zach to get better soon!

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