Issue 13 of Totally Tae Kwon Do magazine is out now, pop along to www.totallytkd.com to download your copy now.
Also, Pat White would like to invite all Tae Kwon Do students and instructors to compete in the All-Ireland OPEN Tae Kwon-Do Championships taking place in Dublin, Ireland on Saturday, 29th May, 2010.
This event is open to both ITF and WTF based stylists and for those in the UK its even on a Bank Holiday weekend, so why not give it a go as flights to Ireland are pretty cheap, Dublins a great city and pats a great host and its great competing in a different country (if you don't already live in Ireland of course). See the advert on page 6 of this months issue or for more information go to www.allireland.ie,
Or contact Patrick White on +353 86 8275075 / email patrick.white@dublincity.ie
The Free Global Tae Kwon Do Magazine
Issue 13 of Totally Tae Kwon Do magazine is out now, pop along to www.totallytkd.com to download your copy now.

Also, Pat White would like to invite all Tae Kwon Do students and instructors to compete in the All-Ireland OPEN Tae Kwon-Do Championships taking place in Dublin, Ireland on Saturday, 29th May, 2010.
This event is open to both ITF and WTF based stylists and for those in the UK its even on a Bank Holiday weekend, so why not give it a go as flights to Ireland are pretty cheap, Dublins a great city and pats a great host and its great competing in a different country (if you don't already live in Ireland of course). See the advert on page 6 of this months issue or for more information go to www.allireland.ie,
Or contact Patrick White on +353 86 8275075 / email patrick.white@dublincity.ie
The Free Global Tae Kwon Do Magazine