Toshindo Questions


MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
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In Toshindo, when evading a strike, are most movements:

In towords your opponent,

Back, away from your opponent,

To the left or right of the opponent.

A Diagonal back.

or a Diagonal forward.

Just curious.
From my experience in To-Shin Do, I have found that it is all of that. It just depends on the situation. There are no set "katas" but simply answering with what works for that particular need.

Why do you ask? To-Shin Do is taught by using Earth, Water, Fire, etc. and all aspects are taught for their perspective reasons. An-Shu says that every individual may be "hard wired" in a particular way and have a natural tendency to lean towards one of the elements, but it is essential to learn them all and be able to utilize their strengths for the risen need.
gmunoz said:
From my experience in To-Shin Do, I have found that it is all of that. It just depends on the situation. There are no set "katas" but simply answering with what works for that particular need.

Why do you ask? To-Shin Do is taught by using Earth, Water, Fire, etc. and all aspects are taught for their perspective reasons. An-Shu says that every individual may be "hard wired" in a particular way and have a natural tendency to lean towards one of the elements, but it is essential to learn them all and be able to utilize their strengths for the risen need.
I was just curious of the "direction" of defense. When I started Ninjutsu training, it was at that SOI school, everything was "Get in close" "Get in close" and I was curious is that was still the way in Toshindo.

Being in close isnt a bad place to be, I was just thinking about that experience the other day...
Well, it's kinda hard to explain. It really depends on what the aggressor does. If the person tries to pull you in close then you defend from that position. If he pushes you away then you sort of stay away and evaluate the situation. There are five main levels of training in To-Shin Do. In the beginning "Earth" level where I am now, we learn about holding our ground in one spot without a lot of footwork. So therefore, we kind of just respond to what the person does. In the next "Water" level, we are tought more about footwork and moving in and out for defence. In the "Fire" level we learn to take charge and move in for more pre-emptive methods. Then, in the "Wind" level we learn more evasion and "recieving" methods. So it really is a mixture of both defending close in and away. I hope that made some since. I am still sort of new so I don't know everything though. Excuse my ignorance. So far though, it seems to work like this...Stay away and wait to see what they do...Defend against "close in" and then counter attack...then move away and discern again. I guess you could say we are "close in" though. I have found it very situational and realistic so far though. I hope this helps.

Have a nice day,
Technopunk said:
I was just curious of the "direction" of defense. When I started Ninjutsu training, it was at that SOI school, everything was "Get in close" "Get in close" and I was curious is that was still the way in Toshindo.

Being in close isnt a bad place to be, I was just thinking about that experience the other day...
from what i have seen the getting in close is part of the beginning phase of hayes' art. maybe you just scratched the surface before diving into the other elements?

Enson said:
from what i have seen the getting in close is part of the beginning phase of hayes' art. maybe you just scratched the surface before diving into the other elements?


I don't know about that. I cannot say that getting in close is the beginning per say. I think it more effective to use it when the specific need arises. If someone swings a bat at me, I'm mostly wired to get close in and jam his attack. Getting in close can be used in any level of a confrontation or training. It just depends on the situation.
gmunoz said:

I don't know about that. I cannot say that getting in close is the beginning per say. I think it more effective to use it when the specific need arises. If someone swings a bat at me, I'm mostly wired to get close in and jam his attack. Getting in close can be used in any level of a confrontation or training. It just depends on the situation.
i think you misunderstood my comment. the earth is something you learn at the beginning... not just for beginners. it is a element you will use for the rest of your life... just learned at the beginning.

I have a question about the Toshindo home study course as well...

How often are you allowed to test for rank? Is there a certain "waiting" period, or can you test as often as you feel ready? I'm asking this on the Traditional side about the RVD course... no real reason, mostly out of curiosity for how its done.

Technopunk said:
I have a question about the Toshindo home study course as well...

How often are you allowed to test for rank? Is there a certain "waiting" period, or can you test as often as you feel ready? I'm asking this on the Traditional side about the RVD course... no real reason, mostly out of curiosity for how its done.

An-Shu Hayes has said that for most beginners it takes them about 6-9 months to be ready to test. Obviously experienced MA practioners in other styles would probably be ready sooner. I don't believe there are any "set" time limits on when person can test. Just when they feel ready to do so.
So in theory...

A person with say a 1st Dan in one of the x-kans (used as my example because the techniques are similar) could potentially purchase and study these tapes, modify his techniques, send back a tape every couple days and earn a Toshindo BB in a few weeks/months based on his prior training...

If a person wanted Dual BB's that is...

Would that be correct?
sometimes theory doesn't make sense.;)

some problems arise from that...
(from what i have heard)

*it takes more than a couple of days... about a month to get your results back. they have different black belts review your test.
*you would have to be super rich... being there is testing fee
more to come... hee hee!

Enson said:
sometimes theory doesn't make sense.;)

some problems arise from that...
(from what i have heard)

*it takes more than a couple of days... about a month to get your results back. they have different black belts review your test.
*you would have to be super rich... being there is testing fee
more to come... hee hee!

Ok, but assuming then that the money didnt matter, you could test as quickly as your results come back, say 1 a month?
I understand TP your point. However, there would be no reason to ever dual rank as An-Shu Hayes will give, on request, a Bujinkan dipoma for testing in To-Shin Do.

In theory, well, I guess if one could send in a tape ever other day yes. However, having been part of the process, I would have to say virtually impossible. It takes several weeks for the qualification board to review tests with An-Shu. Mailing time. Cost. It takes much more than memorizing the moves. It takes appropriating them completely and becoming one with them so as to be able to utulize them automatically in every different situation and under pressure. Must also consider training that is required with a training partner and the time it takes to record test.

If one was insistent on doing the dual thing, then I would imagine it may take up to 3-6 months per level based on X-kan experience. My opinion of course. I don't think that most could accomplish this every other day.

Thanks for the responses guys.