USAT: Update on Board Elections


Senior Master
Update on Board Elections

January 10, 2011

The USAT Board of Directors has decided unanimously to engage an executive search firm to evaluate the qualifications of candidates for open Board positions to ensure that the highest quality candidates are presented to our electorates. This change will occur immediately and replaces the former Nominating and Governance Committee. All pending candidacies shall be forwarded to the Search Committee for evaluation and interviews.

The Board decided to take this action to ensure that the process is fair, open and independent to all candidates. The Board strongly believes that every candidate for a directorÂ’s position deserves a full, thorough and fair vetting free of any possible claims of favoritism or cronyism. The Board made this decision after a thorough review of the candidate selection process and alleged improprieties. In conducting this review, the Board recognized that in a relatively small sports organization like USAT there are inevitably many close relationships between the various stakeholders and participants so greater independence was needed to eliminate potential claims of favoritism or cronyism. The Board determined that utilizing professionals with expertise in the executive search field with no ties to taekwondo was the best way to protect the process and all of the candidates. The BoardÂ’s underlying guiding principle was that to succeed and fulfill its mission, the organization not only must have professional quality people of high character and skill to serve on its Board but to be effective these individuals must not be tainted by claims of favoritism or cronyism. The Board views this action as another step in eliminating negative politics from the sport so that it can move forward, grow and provide the best possible environment for success for its athletes and other stakeholders.

The Board would like to stress that in conducting its review and making its decision it did not know the names of the potential candidates and no action has been taken with respect to any candidates – all of whom who’s candidacy will be forwarded to the new Search Committee for evaluation and interviews. The Board affirmed that it has no interest in learning the candidate’s identities as the process continues.

Further, USA Taekwondo is seeking additional candidates for the “Small Club” director position (i.e., the directorship for member club owners who have had at least 15 members registered with USAT in 2008, 2009 and 2010 but no more than 35 members registered in two of those years). Currently, only two qualified candidates have submitted their candidacy for that position and the bylaws requires that Search Committee submit two qualified candidates to the electorate. Additional candidates are being sought so that there may be an effective vetting process. Club owners interested are requested to please submit that application to USAT on or before January 17, 2011.

Additionally, USA Taekwondo is now seeking candidates for a second “Independent” director position on the Board. This position become open do to the resignation of Ron Getto. Any candidates meeting the definition of “independent” as set forth in our bylaws are requested to submit a full resume and a cover letter to USAT setting forth the reasons for their interest in serving on the USAT Board. Independent candidates shall submit their applications to USAT on or before January 21, 2011.
I guess this is good, but who really knows. I mean it might be the wrong thing since we need people with TKD experience to be coaches for our athletes. I still believe the player coach or instructors should be there coaches for the Olympic and international events, they have that trust factor of each athlete. Thank you again for sharing this information.
Actually it is bad because basically what happened was USAT didn't like the people nominated by the USAT Nominating and Governance Committee and so they did away with the N&G Committee in favor of an executive search company. It is another example of USAT changing the rules to get the result that they want.
Update on Board Elections

Further, USA Taekwondo is seeking additional candidates for the “Small Club” director position (i.e., the directorship for member club owners who have had at least 15 members registered with USAT in 2008, 2009 and 2010 but no more than 35 members registered in two of those years). Currently, only two qualified candidates have submitted their candidacy for that position and the bylaws requires that Search Committee submit two qualified candidates to the electorate. Additional candidates are being sought so that there may be an effective vetting process. Club owners interested are requested to please submit that application to USAT on or before January 17, 2011.

Is this new?
The Board decided to take this action to ensure that the process is fair, open and independent to all candidates. The Board strongly believes that every candidate for a directorÂ’s position deserves a full, thorough and fair vetting free of any possible claims of favoritism or cronyism. The Board made this decision after a thorough review of the candidate selection process and alleged improprieties. ....

I've got a bridge I can sell.....
Actually it is bad because basically what happened was USAT didn't like the people nominated by the USAT Nominating and Governance Committee and so they did away with the N&G Committee in favor of an executive search company. It is another example of USAT changing the rules to get the result that they want.
I know nothing of this, but have to say that this was what my guts was telling me when I read it.

Via Teleconference
January 11, 2011
10:30 Eastern time
Board Members Present:
Kevin Padilla Chairperson and Coaching Director, USAT
Jason Han USAT AAC Athlete Rep.
Brad Lunn Independent Director, USAT
Mark Williams Grass Roots Director, USAT
Eric Laurin AAC Athlete Director (USOC)
Marty Mankamyer Independent Director, USAT
Joon Pyo Choi Affiliated Director
Staff Members Present:
David Askinas Chief Executive Officer, USAT
John Collins General Counsel
1. Mr. Kevin Padilla, Chairperson called the USA Taekwondo (USAT) Board
of DirectorsÂ’ meeting to order at 10:35 am Eastern Time. All board
members were present on the call.
2. Kevin Padilla moved to go into Executive Session to discuss matters
involving potential litigation. Eric Laurin seconded. The motion was
passed without objection.
3. Mark Williams moved to exit Executive Session. Marty Mankamyer
seconded. The motion was passed without objection.
4. A motion was made by Marty Mankamyer to amend the following Bylaw
Sections 9.1 and 9.16 as set forth below. The motion was seconded by Joon
Pyo Choi. The motion passed 4 votes to 2. There was one recusal.
Dissenting votes were cast by Eric Laurin and Jason Han.
Section 9.1. Designation.
USAT shall have the following standing committees: an Audit Committee, an Ethics
Committee, a Judicial Committee. and a Nominating Committee. The Board of Directors
or the Chief Executive Officer may appoint such other committees and task forces as the
Board or Chief Executive Officer deem to be necessary and appropriate. The delegation
of authority to any committee or task force shall not operate to relieve the Board or any
director of the Board from any responsibility or standard of conduct imposed by law or
these Bylaws and if any such committee or task force has one (1) or more members who
are entitled to vote and who are not then also directors, such committee or task force may
not exercise any power or authority reserved to the Board.
Section 9.16 Nominating Committee (new)
a. The Nominating Committee shall be selected as follows:
1. Two individuals experienced in the field of executive searches who have
not participated as an athlete, coach, referee, trainer, manager,
administrator or official in the sport of taekwondo shall be selected by the
Board of Directors.
2. One athlete meeting the definition of independent.
b. No Director of the Board shall be elected/selected to the Nominating Committee.
No individual who serves on the Nominating Committee may serve on the Board
of Directors. Members of the Nominating Committee are precluded from serving
as a Board director or in any other USAT capacity, whether governance or on
staff, for a period of two (2) years after their service on the Nominating
c. All references in these Bylaws to “Nominating and Governance Committee” are
replaced by the term “Nominating Committee.”
5. A motion was made by Marty Mankamyer to amend the following Bylaw
Section 7.6.e. as set forth below. The motion was seconded by Mark
Williams. The motion passed 5 votes to 2. Dissenting votes were cast by
Eric Laurin and Jason Han.
Section 7.6.e. Club Owner Directors
a. Club Owner Directors. The USAT shall solicit nominations from those USAT
registered club owners who have been club owners for the two years preceding
the election year and the election year and who have registered at least 15 USAT
Members in those years. There shall be two separate voting categories for club
owners. One seat shall be open for those eligible club owners who have
registered at least 15 but less than 35 USAT members in at least two of the past
three years including the election year and the other seat shall be open for those
eligible club owners who have registered at least 35 members in at least two of
the past three years including the election year.
1. The Nominating Committee shall evaluate the candidates and select two (2)
highly qualified candidates for each position, who shall be submitted to the State
Associations for election.
2. The State Association President of those state organizations in good standing with
USAT shall vote for no more than one candidate in each of the two categories.
Each State Association PresidentÂ’s vote shall be weighted to reflect one vote for
each registered USAT Member in that State Association (e.g., if a State
Association has 100 registered USAT Members, then that State Association
PresidentÂ’s vote shall be weighted as 100 votes). The candidate with the highest
weighted-vote total in each of the two categories shall be elected as the USAT
club owner representatives for that category.
5. Kevin Padilla moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:18 am Eastern time.
Eric Laurin and Mark Willliams seconded the motion. The motion to
adjourn was passed without objection.

For those who didn't notice - 7.6.e was changed 10/29/10 - guess when they realized Herb Perez only met 2 years of that and not all three - it was changed to read " least 15 but less than 35 USAT members in at least two of the past
three years including the election year" to make him eligible.

Nice discussion by Bagehot on the illegality of all these actions on the TKDToday bbs. Nicer thing is that the attorneys are filing against them this week and next week and if he tries to dismiss the bylaws allow that it all goes to AAA.

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