Top 50 Happiest States in the U.S.


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Physical health is important to all MA-ists sure, but mental and emotional health is just as important... where you live has an effect/affect upon those two.
Check out Forbes' list of the top 50 happiest states to live in overall. You'll be surprised/not surprised at #1.
Click on the "in pictures link" to get the best overview.

America's Best States To Live

Rebecca Ruiz, 03.11.09, 01:00 PM EDT
Residents of these areas have a higher quality of life than others in the U.S.

In Pictures: America's Best States to Live

It seems that the recession has touched every corner of American life. From factory workers to those in finance, Americans have been shaken by a contracting economy that has shed 4.4 million jobs since December 2007.
But a report released this week by Gallup and disease management company Healthways suggests that reality is less grim in certain states. In these places, residents enjoy their jobs, express deep optimism about future prospects and even manage to stay healthy.
This is 10 of the happiest nations on earth.

World's Happiest Places

A new report reveals where people feel most positive about their lives

By Lauren Sherman


According to a new report released by the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development, a Paris-based group of 30 countries with democratic governments that provides economic and social statistics and data, happiness levels are highest in northern European countries.

In Depth: See All 10 of the World's Happiest Places

My state ranks in the bottom five. As usual.

I did find it interesting how the photos depicting each state got progressively "happier" as they neared the top. Is that fair? WV has beautiful scenery. So does Kentucky. Why not use a picture of Barbaro?

Everyone knows that Michigan is the number one place to live. Simply the absolute finest place not only in the United States but the world!

I call sampling error here!

My state ranks in the bottom five. As usual.

I did find it interesting how the photos depicting each state got progressively "happier" as they neared the top. Is that fair? WV has beautiful scenery. So does Kentucky. Why not use a picture of Barbaro?

I also noticed that the happiness factor appeared to be linked to outdoors scenery and opportunity. Not everyone is happy in those surroundings, though I imagine lots of wilderness makes for a healthier air environment, Death Valley Desert notwithstanding.

I also noticed some of the top-ranking states had deplorable scores in a couple of important day-to-day living categories and vice-versa. Hawaii ranking #2, for instance ... it's a wonderful place but look at the score for work quality: 50 of 50. So ... if you can live happily with a *really* crappy job, Hawaii is da place for yew.

Home is not only where but what you make it, I think. Number Seven here, baby.
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