Top 100 Things The Brits Didn't Know


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
This link shows the top 100 things that the Brits didn't know last year according to the BBC... Heh... heck I didn't even know some of that stuff.
Clinton only sent two e-mails while he was prez?
1. Street brawlers sometimes arm themselves with potato peelers, according to the Home Office, which wants to make them banned weapons.
they shoulda looked on ebay for the new weapons VHS certification system for $24.99

4. Crows apparently like the taste of windscreen-wiper blades.

this is more a reflection on British food...
7. The heat generated by a laptop, and the knees-together pose needed to balance it, can damage a man's fertility.

now we know what to do with all those old laptops...

8. Brazilians are the nationality most likely to read spam.

but how much spam is in portugese?
12. Ronald Reagan started planning his own funeral the year he entered the White House almost quarter of a century ago. He died in June.

he knew better than to delegate that one to Alexander Haig...
24. Germany has an 18-year-old MP - Julia Bonk, a member of the Saxony legislature. Her name is not funny in German.

is anything ever funny to those people?
29. The remains of thousands of mammoths have been found by fishermen in the North Sea.

and your worried about dolphins in yer tuna...
31. Herrings break wind to communicate and keep the school together.

and keeps them out of tuna nets!
33. Bob Dylan originally planned to use his first two given names, Robert Allen, as his stage name, because it sounded like the name of a Scottish king. After he saw some Dylan Thomas poems, he chose Dylan as his new surname instead.
lucky he was into poetry and not German politics... Bob Bonk?

38. Yoda was based on Albert Einstein.

not gandhi?
41. Twenty years ago , seven out of every 10 pints drunk in the UK were ale. Now, thanks to the rise of lager, stout and cider, the number is just three.

now we know why brits are such sissy-boys, see other thread on affects of beer on men.
45. There is a world record for being able to squirt liquids out of a human eye. The existing record is 8.7 feet (2.65m), but a Turkish man claims to have broken the record with a 9.2 feet (2.8m) squirt.

one of the 12 reasons for the fall of the ottoman empire
47. A "jiffy" is 10 milliseconds in computer science terms
5 miliseconds quicker than lickety split.
48. Margaret Roberts (later Thatcher) helped invent the chemical process that produces Mr Whippy ice cream.

no wonder she got along so well with Ronald Reagan... Bonzo meets Mr Whippy
50. A tribe living in a remote part of Brazil's Amazon rainforest has no words for numbers beyond two. The Piraha use "one" to mean one or roughly one, two means two, while any larger number is just "many".

and these are the people we beleive to receive the most spam (#8)... who can tell ("we received "many" spam today")
56. The Shining is the "perfect scary movie", according to researchers, who have come up with a scientific formula for such things. They identified the isolated setting, escalating music and chase scenes as some of the key elements in its success.

the formula is would have been perfect only it it starred Halle Berry
59. Britons throw away enough rubbish every hour to fill the Royal Albert Hall.

don;t ya just hate the way they call it rubbish? its like they think their garbage is better than ours.
60. The bookmakers William Hill loses 80,000 little pens a day - the sort used to fill out betting slips.

but makes up for it by taking sweet and lows from the diner
61. Ken Livingstone, the mayor of London, has got solar panels fitted on the roof of his Cricklewood home.

like teats on a bull... whne is the sun ever out in london?
63. Just one in a hundred workers goes to the pub for their lunch, according to a study. The same proportion spend lunch having sex.

no time for both
66. An American girl aged between three and 11 has, on average, 10 Barbie dolls in her toy box.

and 19 barbie shoes in the vaccuum
68. Bill Clinton revealed in his autobiography that he didn't learn to ride a bike properly until he was 22.

who's garage did he park it in?
73. Ducks have regional accents. London ducks shout out a rough quack to be heard above the urban din; those in the West Country make a quieter, softer sound.

we won't even mention Cockney ducks...
76. More than one billion birds crash into buildings in the US every year. Mirrored office blocks are a particular hazard.
didn't one crash int Fabio?
78. Defeated Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry says he once flew upside-down over Israel. It was, he says, the "perfect way" to see the Middle East.

and i would not feel so all alone....
81 . When people are in love, weird things happen. Men get more female hormones, and women get more male. Scientist Donatella Marazziti says it's as if nature wants to eliminate what can be different in men and women, perhaps to help the mating process.

love is like beer... that thread is making more and more sense
93. One in 12 of the country's workforce is a cleaner, according to the British Cleaning Council.

that leaves plenty of room for joiners, tinkers, and other assorted rude mechanicals

100. Bill Clinton sent just two e-mails while he was president.

and who got the other one?

59. Britons throw away enough rubbish every hour to fill the Royal Albert Hall.
Well they shouldn't worry, they got 4000 holes found in Blackburn, Lancashire to put it all in.. although the holes were rather small.

Pete said:
78. Defeated Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry says he once flew upside-down over Israel. It was, he says, the "perfect way" to see the Middle East.
and I would not feel so all alone....
I agree the perfect way to see such an upside-down country, at least (for Kerry anyway) it'd be right side up!
The reason more lager is drunk now then ale is because you can't be a "lager lout" drinking Guiness, after 5 or 6 pints you are just too full to fight, all you can think about is farting, rolling over and going to sleep, not wearing a soccer t-shirt, thowing beer mugs after passers by, and shouting "In-gur-lund, In-gurlund, In-gurlund"...
Me thinks John and the lads were refering to the "other" holes in Blackburn Lancashire.
They missed what number knowing what dental hygiene was.

I always thought that Yoda was based on Ueshiba (founder of aikido)
saw something last night on comedy central, my primary news source, about the reasons why the british lost the american revolution....

they had the sense to bring guns, but forgot the camoflage. instead they wore these 3ft high red hats and led the charge with a guy carrying a flag and another beating a bass drum.

not that our weapons were all that great either, somethings wrong if you have to tape a knife to the end of your gun... its like 'use this if you miss and get attacked during the half hour it takes to reload'

well, if it ain't funny to read, i ROTFLMAO watching it last night...

pete said:
now we know why brits are such sissy-boys,
I'm British actually I'm English, but unlike Americans, we are not idealistic, and not gun-ho we just do the job and not try to be heros, neither do we shoot our own troops or not recognise allied vehicles like when some stupid American commander calls in an airstrike on a convey on SAS and camera men. Who you calling sissy's?
We have a more proffessional army than you even though its a hell of a lot smaller, at least we are not stupid enough to think we can take on the world, just like vietnam, you thought you were so good and could police everything, well you were wrong werent you!
Corporal Hicks said:
I'm British actually I'm English, but unlike Americans, we are not idealistic, and not gun-ho we just do the job and not try to be heros, neither do we shoot our own troops or not recognise allied vehicles like when some stupid American commander calls in an airstrike on a convey on SAS and camera men. Who you calling sissy's?
We have a more proffessional army than you even though its a hell of a lot smaller, at least we are not stupid enough to think we can take on the world, just like vietnam, you thought you were so good and could police everything, well you were wrong werent you!
Hey, stand-down corporal... I didn't write the thing and it's a J-O-K-E.. you know as in Ha ha... besides it was originally written by your own BBC... heh... :D
MACaver said:
Hey, stand-down corporal... I didn't write the thing and it's a J-O-K-E.. you know as in Ha ha... besides it was originally written by your own BBC... heh... :D
Sorry, I got a bit carried away yesterday :idunno: ! Sorry Pete! Damn the BBC lol! Ah crap the seven news is on!

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