top 10 over rated actors of all time?

Oh yeah? Tell that to William Wallace... LOL It is reputed that Connery *ahem* Sir Connery has a tattoo that reads Scotland Forever!

I've seen a few of his movies and at best given it a mild chuckle. Friends around me (like yourself) were rolling. Made me wonder if my sense of humor had worn off... I realized that it didn't, thankfully. Never really caught any of his "serious" films unless you want to count Truman Show. Either way, he's going to be listed as one of the funniest of all time in someone's (clueless) list sooner or later if he isn't already.
I only remember laughing aloud at him when I first saw him on a HBO Rodney Dangerfield Young Comedians Special. I believe at the time it was his first televised appearance. He morphed his face into several well known actors and it was bloody brilliant. Beyond that... nothing more than a mere chuckle or two.

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Do take the time to see Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I think it would be well worth your time.

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