Too fake MA movies


2nd Black Belt
ok well I know tat Uma Thurman really can't balence on a rail and sword fight(Kill bill)....we all also know that someone can't stop bullets in thin air (matrix). My biggest gripe is that all the movies are turning into wire and green screen and where all missing out on the true MA.....For example...."The One" with Jet Li....true we know he can't move as fast or travel through time...but at least in the final battle where he fought himself from another dimention, that the actors moved like normal and the room around them was moving slower...presenting the illusion that they are moving extreamly that was a good move on the directors part.(I would know I am a Communications major)......another example......ALL BRUCE LEE MOVIES....enough said......Now please don't misunderstand, i like the Matrix and Kill bill and all the other movies that use MA but they could at least do it right and not brag about he MA in there movies cause we all know they are so so fake.....For god sake look at Steven Sugal...::VOMITS:: Anywho what we need is some real Martial Artists in the movies like Bruce Lee.....cause we got 3 that are any good what so ever........Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Chow Yug Fat. We need people that have been training all there lives to be in MA movies than these Yoga rejects...Although its not as cost effcent..........but with that cost we will have more realistic and better fight scenes in our movies...............I quote jet Li from an interview with him in FHM magazine............."If someone on the street Challenged me to a fight....I would run away and call my lawyer." well if I had as much money as he then i guess i would too. :whip:
I whole heartedly agree !

I love watching Jackine Chan, especially at the end of the flick where he shows the mistakes he made in the fight scenes. Really show what he has to go through...

Now I know in the last one (or two) he has started using wires, but in a limited capacity. As he puts it..he's getting older....I can respect that... just don't start flying through the air spinning like a screw, :idunno:and kick someone eighty feet away......
i will admit i don't like any of segel's new movies but his old ones... i.e. above the law... had some good stuff on it. i will admit that things have gotten too animated.

To tell the truth I can't stand most martial arts movies.

One exception is the better Jackie Chan movies but they are hardly MA movies anyway, as Chan uses acrobatics to defeat his enemies in most of them and not MAs. Think of the wall climbing, jumping from heights and ducking under furniture etc. These characterise Chans films and as such he is closer to Buster Keaton than Bruce Lee.

The other exception is the early Rocky movies. These are the most true to life. They are 99% training and 1% fight. MA to me is about training, and the Rocky movies are about training. The movies are about being knocked down and getting up again and again, which is what life (and Judo) is about.
It seems the "wire" style of ma movies is all the rage these days. Like everything else this will fade and some new fangled thing will come out.
The occasional Matrix style movie is great but the field is getting more diluted than the D&D scene

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