No Matrix-style moves for Arnold in T3

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No Matrix-style moves for Arnold in T3
Star says martial arts fighting only for 'puny' guys

SCHWARZENEGGER: too big for martial arts
HOLLYWOOD -- Expectations are sky high for Arnold Schwarzenegger's upcoming return to the role of the T-800 in T3: The Rise of the Machines.

While the action star doesn't want to disappoint, there is one thing you won't be seeing him do on film: a martial-arts move.

Hong Kong style may be invading a number of action movies, such as The Matrix and almost any other action film on the market but Schwarzenegger says he won't be doing any high leg kicks or hand chops, period. Those are tricks for small men.

"I love the Hong Kong style of action movies but that only looks good for small guys," the actor said on the set of T3.

"The reason why the whole style was developed over there was because those guys were very puny guys -- they're not powerful looking guys."

Besides, Schwarzenegger says, audiences prefer it when he does "simple, brutal" moves.

"When you're a big guy, the people like to see you pick up the guy take him and throw him against the wall. They think that's a cool move when you're a big guy," he says with a smile.

As for a match up between the former Mr. Olympia and kung fu expert Jet Li, Tom Arnold, a friend of Schwarzenegger's, didn't seem too sure who would win.

"I think Arnold at 54 would have a little bit of trouble because Jet Li's so quick, he's like a fly," says the actor, now shooting Cradle 2 the Grave with Li. "In the end Arnold kicks everybody's *** as far as I'm concerned, including the Rock. All those guys, there's only one Arnold. It would be a bloody battle but Arnold would win."
A buddy of mine helped teach (not the head but more like an assistant) Ahnold some MA fighting moves for one of his movies. Ahnold doesn't demote the martial arts. He's saying that the movie style with high kicks isn't for people of his build but throwing people up suits him much better.

He is right. Chinese movie culture doesn't like big guys. They like smaller, quicker, more skilled people. Now China has a few of the largest men out there, some bodybuilders having a contest weight of around 300 and people around 6'-7', but they aren't the type of people who would be actors.

IMO, Ahnold would get killed by Li because Ahnold is a bodybuilder, not a fighter. A great bodybuilder in the prime and responsible for making the sport popular, but a bodybuilder nonetheless.
Egads. This sounds like a thread that I was involved in over at IMDB. These guys, stuck in cinema fantasy land, actually believed that Arnie is the bad *** that he portrayed in the movies. Arnie, although I like his movies, is not a trained figher. Altough he may have picked up a few moves from his fight trainers, that is the extent of it
I think arnolds right, most of his fans watch him to see his "signature" moves and tough guy stuff. It would be the same seeing terminator pulling off hurrican kicks and such, jmo

This article has some kindergarten mentality in it,and I´m not talking of Arnold´s old movie.
Something you would not except to find yourself talking with a man of his age who´s said to get little satisfaction from movies these days and who wanted to become a politician. :)

It is obvious that to see him perform martial arts on screen would be a strange idea (at least if you consider what "martial arts" means in movies,flashy acrobatics which look good in public) It is funny though that I have heard that he has lots of feeling for martial arts,he likes them and has some kind of martial artist friends.
Also I´ve heard he does/did karate and I´m pretty sure I´ve seen his face on the cover of "Taekwondo" (or related) magazine,also having heard that he holds some honorary ?master? BB rank in TKD... which is very ironic,possible? Yeah,I think so.
I could've sworn AHnold had big heart problems and stuff. He's just so old and steroid-worn (anybody who says he didn't do steroids is...well, wrong) I was surprised when he even signed on to do T3. Personally, I was hoping for somebody fresh and new...
But there's a point. While I disagree with the assertion that a big guy automatically looks stupid doing "cool, flashy moves," I think that AHnold would look stupid doing them, especially because why the terminator bother? It's a freakin' TERMINATOR, for crying out loud! A terminator has no need to fight, because it's pretty much invincible anyway.
And Tom Arnold was probably high or something when he said that. AHnold would have a stroke the second Jet Li started to move, and that would be that. Or maybe he'd live long enough for Jet Li to start, and then he'd die. Whatever.:asian:
I doubt Arnold has heart problems I haven't seen anything about this.

It would be pointless to make a T3 without arnold because he started it and its only right that he finishes it.

It does look kinda dumb with big guys trying to look fast and do flashy moves. I've never seen this done to an extent where it pleased the eye.

I think I like arnold better as a 1 hit quitter and kick them in the chest and hit them in the face kind of guy.

Like he's more of a military trained type of fighter in the movies, he maybe throw a kick but its usualy a front kick and then punches.

Well since Jet Li is a trained fighter and Arnold is not, I would have to say that Jet Li would win since I think it would be very hard to hit Jet Li.
Originally posted by kenposcum

I could've sworn AHnold had big heart problems and stuff. He's just so old and steroid-worn (anybody who says he didn't do steroids is...well, wrong) I was surprised when he even signed on to do T3. Personally, I was hoping for somebody fresh and new...
But there's a point. While I disagree with the assertion that a big guy automatically looks stupid doing "cool, flashy moves," I think that AHnold would look stupid doing them, especially because why the terminator bother? It's a freakin' TERMINATOR, for crying out loud! A terminator has no need to fight, because it's pretty much invincible anyway.
And Tom Arnold was probably high or something when he said that. AHnold would have a stroke the second Jet Li started to move, and that would be that. Or maybe he'd live long enough for Jet Li to start, and then he'd die. Whatever.:asian:
You are one uninformed kid.

He did do steroids, do you know when? They were legal and people did not know of the side effects back then. Even today, with proper usage, the side effects can be minimized. I'm not telling you to go use steroids, but steroid usage with a proper cycle (not abuse) has no scientific studies backing it up. Steroid-worn... Someone like that would be Coleman.
Originally posted by MartialArtist

Steroid-worn... Someone like that would be Coleman.

AAHHH, stay off Coleman!! :D

I like him for some reason.... HE never did steriods what are you talking about!! :rolleyes:

And by the way, AHnold did have a stroke a few years ago. Believe me.
For having a stroke it amazes me that he was able to recover fast enough to do more then 2 movies!!

This is quite impressive usually when someone has a stroke they are quite destroyed for awhile, actually I'm not a doctor and I don't know how severe the stroke was.

But for him to make movies after having a stroke in such a short period of time I guess is something spectacular.

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