To Clyde

Originally posted by CoolKempoDude
have 3 questions for you

1-Did somebody tell you about Bruce lee's staying in Parker's house or you DID actually WITNESS this happened?

2-If somebody stay in your house and it doesn't matter if they study american kenpo or another style, they will *move* like you ?????

3- "There are bound to be commonalities". Can you tell me the "commonalities" which JKD and AK SHARE???

thank you
1.) Yes some one told me, Mr. Parker did. He mentioned it in his books.

2.) If someone stays in my house frequently or for extended amounts of time, yes, they will start to move like me, I love Kenpo, it's what I do. I share it with whomever I can, whenever I can. Besides, I don't remember me saying that Mr. Parker moved like Bruce Lee or vice versa.

3.) Since I have never studied JKD I cannot be specific. I have spoken with several JKD instructors and they seem to see similiarites between what I do and what they do. I couls go on and be a smart *** and point out that all martial arts have commonalities, but see no need to do so. Here's another piece of trivia for you though. Danny Inosanto is and was a Parker AK black belt before he ever even met Bruce Lee. Maybe that explains some more of why so many people that teach JKD see the similarities between our arts.
Originally posted by CoolKempoDude
please let me know what you FIND out too because i want to know what my IP address is. Thank you
Go to a command prompt and type winipcfg /all
It'll tell you your IP, I'm not posting it.