Originally Posted by mastercole
Read above, I said fighting, I did not say drilling. Fighting is competing.<<<
Arguably fighting is not competing. Do people in a sparring match fight? I suppose that depends on your perspective. I would say not which is why I stated drilling above as the operative term.
Again and again, the dictionary disagrees with you

As you can see below, the definition of fighting is competing, sparring and even a matter of athletic contest! Imagine that!
fight n. 1. A violent struggle, (as in)
strife, conflict, contention, feud, quarrel,
contest, struggle, encounter, row, dispute, disagreement, battle, battle royal, confrontation, controversy, brawl, affray, affair, fray,
match, fisticuffs,
boxing match,
round, broil, fracas, difficulty, altercation, bickering, wrangling, riot, argument, dissension, debate,
sparring match, a coming to blows, rivalry, skirmish, scrimmage, clash, scuffle, collision, brush, action, engagement, melee, passage of arms, sortie, pitched battle, tilt, joust,
duel, exchange of blows,
wrestling match, squabble,
game, discord, estrangement, hostilities, imbroglio, disturbance, recontre (French), tiff, difference of opinion, falling-out, fuss*, mix-up*, tussle*, scrap*, free-for-all*, ruckus*, run-in*, showdown*, flare-up*, go*, rumpus*, donnybrook*, set-to*, rhubarb*, hassle*; see also dispute.
2. fight, a rather general word for any
contest, struggle, or quarrel,
stresses physical or hand-to-hand combat; conflict, which may apply to anything from armed fighting to
mental struggle, refers to a sharp disagreement or clash, as between opposing groups, interests, or ideas, and emphasizes difficulty of resolution the conflict over slavery; struggle implies great effort or violent exertion, physical or otherwise the struggle for existence; contention most frequently applies to heated verbal strife, or dispute religious contention; contest refers to a
struggle, either friendly or hostile, for supremacy in some matter athletic contests, a contest of wits