TKD goals

I would love to have around 200 students by year end.

I would personally like to add about 100 new students this year and bump my success rate from 60% to atleast 80%! Also I need to take more time out for myself and my family! Also maybe open a second school...that would be nice.
Wowzers!! You guys think big! I hope that you both are able to do it though!

78.... hundred?? That is massively huge! People think our place is huge and we're not even half that!


Yea I was able to get a great deal on the space since it is an older building but withen one mile of the new Cowboy stadium. So it will bring alot of traffic next year, so we could actually get there.
While that is true, I also believe that a teacher has a number of qualities that are inherent; good, bad or a bit of both and some of neither. These qualities are the teacher's and are not determined by the students.

Some teachers are good people and have good students, but no true love of what they teach; they do a good job inspite of this and I consider this to be professionality. But a good teacher with a love of what they teach has that love independently of their students. But the students excel because they sense that love of the subject and when the teacher really loves what they teach, it does impact the students. And from what I read in your posts, you are just such a teacher! If I ever make it out your way, I'll definitely have to pay your school a visit.

I know. You're is about the same size as ours. We wouldn't know what to do with 7800 square feet. Host open tournaments comes to mind, though.

I want to reach full scissor splits on at least one side (3 inches off right now). Advancement wise I am hoping to have my blue belt and move into the advanced class by the end of the year. This spring I will be in my first tournament at western canadian open martial arts championships.

As far as our school goes we are aiming for 200 members by March and so far I have brought 3 people to the school (and about a half dozen others that decided not to join). I won an award for brining the most people to taekwon do this year and I want to do it again next year..starting in January I have 3 more people I am bringing to try it out to start the year off right.

I was also blessed to have my boyfriend start training with me and I want to help him to achieve his goals this year as well.
I want to reach full scissor splits on at least one side (3 inches off right now). Advancement wise I am hoping to have my blue belt and move into the advanced class by the end of the year. This spring I will be in my first tournament at western canadian open martial arts championships.

As far as our school goes we are aiming for 200 members by March and so far I have brought 3 people to the school (and about a half dozen others that decided not to join). I won an award for brining the most people to taekwon do this year and I want to do it again next year..starting in January I have 3 more people I am bringing to try it out to start the year off right.

I was also blessed to have my boyfriend start training with me and I want to help him to achieve his goals this year as well.

Sounds like you are doing a bang up job.
Well, I asked my sabum nim yesterday what a normal, reasonable progression would be for someone starting the year with a shiny new yellow belt. He told me that, normally, a person would at least be ready to test for their blue stripe, if they haven't pushed to actually testing for it. So, now I know where I should be in twelve months time. But I intend to really push myself hard. I want to be ready to test for my blue belt by this time next year. It's not going to be easy, I would guess, since I'm still fairly out of shape (though improving). But we Loewens are nothing if not stubborn (some might say stupid :D). That, and I know I'll have my fiancee encouraging me the whole way through.

Edited to add: I actually like what my sabum nim said to me about this. "Don't think about it. Don't plan on it. Just do it." I intend to. :)
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Sounds like we all have some pretty aggressive goals for sure. I will be tracking to see how everything goes.

Oh, holy carp, you're going to hold us to these? I think I need to revise my goals! LOL

Oh, haven't posted any? Sounds about right, then!

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