Goals for 2015

She could always shine the red laser light around for you both to chase for exercise! :D

My cats clearly believe that the Red Dot is EVIL, and Must Be Destroyed.

Except for Her Imperial Majesty Lilly, Empress of the Known Universe. The Red Dot is merely looked at in disdain, while she waits for one of her servant to kill it and present it's corpse to her.
Mine will go after the Dreaded Red Dot for a while, then she gets distracted by the Brown Paper Bag of Evil, which must be attacked from within.
for me mainly is to just start training hard again. ive taken way to many years off. well ill rephrase that to many years of not training like i should have.

then to loose min 25 lbs. i dont really need to loose 20 but i want to loose 20 and hit the gym and gain some back after that.

third i pulled out the old stretching machine from my days of old and will start using it every day again. i can still pretty easily do a head kick or a jumping spinning roundhouse etc but i am not sure ill ever be able to full split or kick straight up at my age but im sure going to try, people tell me im in great shape for my age and i can still keep up with the ones half my age when we are on the ice (ice hockey) or cycling or running etc.. my body has taken a toll over the years and honestly im shocked i can even still do any of this after numerous surgeries. i dont think about not doing it though i just do. and when the doms starts to set it the next day i go out for a run or hit the gym, the fastest cure there is for doms. the body is an amazing thing and can do more than many people think. we have a guy that's 71 in our local gym that is ripped as can be for his age the man is a machine. its insane to see him come in and push up more weight than many half his age. he goes out and runs marathons still. its nuts.
Outside of dojo time, I told myself I'd do core exercises at home everyday. But I lied. I didn't anything on January first.
Since then I've done planks, front and both sides, ab work, and stretched every single day (mostly shoulders and groin). So far, so good. Core feels really good.

But It's early in the year so we'll see how it goes. (wish me luck, I need it)
My biggest training goals for the year are to build my cardio and my takedown skills to a respectable level.

Cardio got off to a bad start as I began the year with a knee injury and a bad cold. I think I'm finally recovered enough to safely start work on that again. I'll try a round of interval training tonight and see how it goes.

I've started picking the brains of a good wrestling coach to help with my takedowns. I'm learning good stuff - lot's of fine details on setups. Hopefully I can keep this up and make some real progress.
Yes two Taekwondo goals. Learn a 540 round house kick and a 540 spinning hook kick. Very difficult, but rewarding. Those kicks look beautiful.
I thought about those kicks as goals, but they seemed to distant with no bridge for me of getting there. If I were in a club that practised them I'd want to learn them in the near future.
I've found youtube videos by kwonkicker and GingerNinjaTrickster to describe them well.I've also learned jumping high helps. To add, practice and don't let the opinion of others fool you. Some claim a person is "too old" for those, do not give up...ask people at your dojang about them and see if others would be willing to work with you.Heck, more that learn it the better! :)

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