TKD and crosstraining


Senior Master
Some of you guys have training in more than just one MA, however you choose to keep in TKD afther the crosstraining, for example, Master Terry has black belts in okinawan karate and another MA I can't recall but he teaches TKD. Myself I have some training in kenpo but stick to TKD.

Some other guys here who studied before other MA discover TKD and stays in TKD.

Why you choose to keep inside TKD instead other MA's?

For me it was simple, I fell in LOVE with the concept of the ART. It was and is about the life journey.
I like the beauty of the art. For me there are other arts that I still enjoy and every now and then I still will practice and incorporate them into my TKD. But for me the kicking of TKD just always seemed to fit me and when I see it done by the great ones it just looks so artistic.

Boxing is the same for me. That is why I also like Wing Chun. I have long legs and long arms so to kick and punch from distance just fits. I love the hand trapping techniques of Wing Chun so that with some boxing really works for my inside game. And no other art has the kicks of TKD. By far TKD has the better kicks.
First MA was Judo in 1971. Was a rough sport. Started TKD in 1972. Liked the long range better. Then in 1974 a guy showed what he could do if he got ahold of us. It was Ju Jitsu. Liked it better because it wasn't fettered with all the rules of Judo.

College 1975-1977 was one of those typical TKD / Hapkido schools. The hapkido was mild compared to Ju Jitsu

Used the Ju Jitsu grappling to complement the TKD striking.
Still do. Pratice is probably 80% TKD, 20% grappling.

I think TKD has more esthetic qualities thru the patterns. More things to physicaly challenge you thru jumping kicks and breaking techniques, and interesting philosophy I do not find in Ju Jitsu. I view Ju Jitsu as more of a martial science than a Martial art, but perhaps that's just my approach.
Why you choose to keep inside TKD instead other MA's?

Many things but off the top of my head: Gen Choi designed Taekwon-Do to focus on generating power, which is great for smaller people like me (I'm 5'6").

Although people often talk about tall people having an advantage when it comes to kicking since they can keep people farther away, I find it very effective since I can get close in to tall people and still use kicks, which are more powerful than hand techniques.

I have had to use Taekwon-Do to defend myself and have found it very effective.


I used to train Judo, Ninjitsu and BJJ. However Taekwondo training is something which is the best in the world. Kicking pads, hogo, sparrings and demo evolutions. After a fine taekwondo training I feel complete.
I am a tkdoing, that's the MA I learned as Tarry said I got enamored of it, yes TKD has change a lot since the day I started in and there are some things I really dislike but I think that main reasons why I stay in TKD are: a) TKD is a way of life, b) TKD teaches values like respect,loyalty,etc., c) I love kicks but can't do most of them, d) The martiality TKD posses, e) It's a wonderful workout, f) inside and outside the dojang we are all family.
