You did crosstraing and........

Well, for about 5 months I've been participating (once a month) in a martial arts club, the things is as follows, once a month some martial arts senseis get together in one of the dojos participating, every sensei has 20 minutes to teach tow or three techs and then all the others practiced them, so for example yesterday we did some judo break falls and rollls, two or three budo taijutsu tehchs, three or four aikido techs, some lima-lama techs, some TKD techs (thank you very much) and some shotokan karate techs. What I like abou these meetings is the shotokan karate sensei, this sensei is so fat and damn good that amazes me to the point I was considering to do drosstraing in Shotokan Karate because a) I live japanese kata, b) I like alot the ipon kumites and c) because I want to improve my hand techs, it seems to me the karate do kicking is more basic that tkd kicking but is not as aerial than tkd but remeber I am not as aerial as I did when I was a teen.
However I like aikido too so I am thinking about wich one I will do crosstarin.

My point is karate do is a very nice and good martial art too, sometimes I think is better suited for 40 y.o. men.

I'm so jealous of your training opportunities Manny. Take full advantage of them. It sounds like a lot of fun!

I'm so jealous of your training opportunities Manny. Take full advantage of them. It sounds like a lot of fun!


Rob this training meetings are something I am doing by myself, I mean for me, sadly my TKD Master didn't want to integrate to this group, so basically we are not to old martial arts senseis (beetwen 35-45 years old) that love martial arts and wiht a VERY OPEN MIND and with a HUMBLE actitud. We don't sparr each other to see who's stronger, we don't go and say MY martial art is better than yours or I am the best sensei.... no, We train together and learn form eachother. In that meetings nobody is master all we are students no matter our rank or how many strips our black belt have. BTW something about the black belts, I have not seen intrincated or flamboyant embroided black blets, the only ones who have embroided belts are the judo sensei and the karate do sensei and the only thing that is written in the belts are the JU-DO or KARATE-DO characters in kanjis, the only ones that use strips on their belts are the lima-lama senseis uit no more than that, so basically no flamboyand belts. The atmpsphere is of frienship and camardery.

I am having a good exposure to another martial arts and I am having new friends.
