TKD and Christianity

Thankfully, I've never encountered any in a martial arts setting, though I know that they're out there.

Flakes can have deep, credible faith and still be flakes... unfortunately.

I understand what you're getting at. I don't see it that way however. If you have a solid, credible faith, minor things like that won't bug you. There are religious groups that think studying any MA opens you up to demonic possession, that if you don't spend all your time meditating on how much you love your god of choice, that means you're lost to evil.

People may believe this, they may have centered the whole of their lives about this kind of belief. IMO it's a belief rooted in fear and designed to control the practitioners rather than provide any form of enlightenment. As such, it's an extremely brittle kind of faith.
I understand what you're getting at. I don't see it that way however. If you have a solid, credible faith, minor things like that won't bug you. There are religious groups that think studying any MA opens you up to demonic possession, that if you don't spend all your time meditating on how much you love your god of choice, that means you're lost to evil.

People may believe this, they may have centered the whole of their lives about this kind of belief. IMO it's a belief rooted in fear and designed to control the practitioners rather than provide any form of enlightenment. As such, it's an extremely brittle kind of faith.
Control by a group is actually external to any true faith that the person may or may not have. Some people realize through either actual study or contact with believers ourside of their group that they're just being manipulated, come out of the group, yet maintain their faith, practicing it in a healthier atmosphere.

Outside of such groups, you have people who early in their conversion developed those attitudes when their belief may have been shakey and simply continued to maintain them out of force of habit.

I see most of this as a crude, self imposed aceticism underpinned by a lack of genuine scripture knowledge, at least in the Christians that fall into the category you describe (I can't speak for other belief systems).

Hi Gang, does TKD have any eastern religion attached to it. I have been looking into different Traditional Martial Arts, and the instructor I have been talking with, does have a lot of eastern religion teachings in his Chinese style of martial art, as well as internal development and healing. From what I have seen so far, TKD seems non-religious, it appears to promote clean ethics, but not religion. thanks in advance for any help.

I apologize in advance if I am violating anything, some boards have rules about leaving religion at the door, but you did ask. I find it more annoying when religion, Evangelican Christian Fundamentalism in particular has to attach it's label to anything everything it's followers do.

Tae Kwon Do is what is it is, you do it athe Dojang, or fill in the art of your choice, and do it at the dojo, training hall, or what have you, AND church is church, and most Churches, Mosques, Cynagogs, temples don't have you doing chop sockey as part of the service.

Apples and oranges and thats where it should be kept, IN, my opinion.
I apologize in advance if I am violating anything, some boards have rules about leaving religion at the door, but you did ask. I find it more annoying when religion, Evangelican Christian Fundamentalism in particular has to attach it's label to anything everything it's followers do.
Sometimes I think it is appropriate, but generally I think it is a matter of religious over compensating.


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