White Belt
well I just started a Goju-Ryu Karate class about 2 weeks ago, and last night we sparred for the first time since I've been there. Now a have a little backround in TKD (childhood) and I used to throw some gloves on and box with my freinds as a kid, so sparring didn't bother me, actually I was looking forward to it. I spared against a total of 4 people last night, ranging from white belt to green. I felt comfortable sparring everyone but this one guy. He was about 6''2 or so and about 190-200 lbs. Now I am 5''7 and weight me = short and stocky him = tall and lengthy.
Now with the other 3 I was able to block and counter pretty easily (they landed few but nothing big) but this guy could hit me from a distance and my counter punchs would come up short, and my kicks felt as if they were bearly hitting him. I got walloped pretty hard in the solerplex and got the wind knocked out of me pretty good. He would also grab my lead hand down and hit me a few times.Now not all was lost, I was able to tag him a few good time when he came close, and blocked a good amount of his attacks.
Now looking back I think I should have tried to get in close as I could without getting beat to hell on the way in. What would be the best way to do this? Any advice on fighting a taller guy in gerneral? Just looking for some tips, I know training is the best thing overall and since I'm new I know I will find what works best for me over time. Thanks in advance guys
well I just started a Goju-Ryu Karate class about 2 weeks ago, and last night we sparred for the first time since I've been there. Now a have a little backround in TKD (childhood) and I used to throw some gloves on and box with my freinds as a kid, so sparring didn't bother me, actually I was looking forward to it. I spared against a total of 4 people last night, ranging from white belt to green. I felt comfortable sparring everyone but this one guy. He was about 6''2 or so and about 190-200 lbs. Now I am 5''7 and weight me = short and stocky him = tall and lengthy.
Now with the other 3 I was able to block and counter pretty easily (they landed few but nothing big) but this guy could hit me from a distance and my counter punchs would come up short, and my kicks felt as if they were bearly hitting him. I got walloped pretty hard in the solerplex and got the wind knocked out of me pretty good. He would also grab my lead hand down and hit me a few times.Now not all was lost, I was able to tag him a few good time when he came close, and blocked a good amount of his attacks.
Now looking back I think I should have tried to get in close as I could without getting beat to hell on the way in. What would be the best way to do this? Any advice on fighting a taller guy in gerneral? Just looking for some tips, I know training is the best thing overall and since I'm new I know I will find what works best for me over time. Thanks in advance guys