Ah.... Sanchin kata.... a favourite of mine
Some really great insight and info provided already throughout the thread, really enjoyed all that.
Really great you're exploring the kata
@J. Pickard . I've found it so incredibly valuable, and it continues to teach me the more I train it.
It's always been more a foundational kata, one that imbues really important principles of alignment, structure, posture, correct tensions and projection of energy, and I love how even though it's such a minimalistic kata (on the surface), there is sooo much to take into account as you do it.
I've learned a few versions, my first one was from all my time in Kyokushin, and it was done very, very hard. There was literally so much tension that the body had to be stiff as a rock while the arms moved.
I wasn't the biggest fan of this version, but I could see the value in it. And in black belt testings you had four people surrounding you. Not so much testing your alignment and structure etc, but just hitting you very hard and having to take it, and continue. Which in a way tests your structure hehe, but more tour perseverance and unwavering determination.
But other versions I learned allowed more body and hip movement and efficient transfer of energy. I would suggest going through the kata, and each time you do it just focus on ONE aspect each time. It may be the breathing, it may be keeping a nice clean vertical axis and posture as you move and transition, or the real sense of rootedness and connection to the ground (feeling it all the way through to your pinky toes), or the feeling of every movement coming out and returning to your centre/hara-supported technique... there is so much haha. But it really is a matter of learning in the doing of it.
But definitely get the stance and structure right, and go from there.
I recently did an art piece piece depicting what this kata means to me and what I feel it teaches, thread here if interested:
Heya guys, a few months ago I did my contribution to a particular martial arts organisation zine. I'm really so happy with what came out here, and something I hope to embody in this rough time, and thought I would share it here. It's a drawing of how I see Sanchin kata; very much a kata that...
@Buka , I also do the stance on public transport too