Timing Information... IMPORTANT!

  • Thread starter Thread starter MarkS
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Hi everyone,

I've been looking for Wing Chun forums whose members span a wide variety of age groups, skill levels, and lineages. I've recently made an in-depth study of timing in combat, and relating to Wing Chun practice in particular. If it wouldn't be too much trouble, I ask that anyone reading this thread give some information on "timing" as YOU see it. In particular, I'm hoping to gather data sets for the following information:

1. How do you categorize varieties of timing, if at all? If so, why do you categorize it in those ways? How do you feel your perspective on timing is superior for your method of practice?

2. Do you have isolated methods of improving your timing? If so, what are some examples (if you have different "categories" of timing, try to give an example for each category).

3. How long have you been practicing Wing Chun?

Just so you know, I've only been practicing Wing Chun for a little over 5 years now, and I would like responses from those with anywhere from very little experience (even if you just began to discuss timing with your instructor) to very advanced practitioners. I've kept my above questions fairly ambiguous because I don't want to contaminate the data set (I want to hear what you think of when you hear the word "timing", and I don't want to put readers in a particular mindset with my own biased comments!). For the same reasons, I haven't mentioned the lineage I study under. Feel free to name the lineage you're under (it would be interesting to see any cohesiveness, or lack thereof, within a single lineage on a perspective on timing), but I don't think I could find the information statistically significant unless I had at least 10 posts from long-standing students of any one lineage, so it's certainly not required!

I hope to extrapolate the following:

1. Any interaction between the amount of time studied and one's perspective on timing (I should say, a STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT INTERACTION, because there will obviously be SOME correlation!).

2. Significant convergence on any one perspective of timing relative to time studied (and, data permitting, lineage).

3. I hope to learn more about timing for my own benefit, both from those who have studied for longer than I have and from those who are newer to Wing Chun. Furthermore, I hope to translate any new perspective I can achieve into other aspects of my Wing Chun practice.

4. I hope others on this forum will learn from their fellow members, and perhaps spark new discussions on principles of fighting in general, and Wing Chun in particular.

I REPEAT, I have kept my questions on timing very general! I hope anyone who responds on this thread will take the time to answer with care and confidence in their own knowledge. There are no "wrong" answers, I'll gladly record ANY information you can give on practice of timing. But at the same time, to keep my own views from infringing on the proceedings, I'm not going to post here again, and I won't clarify my questions.

Thank you very much for your time, effort and knowledge! Take care and I look forward to learning from all of you!

--Mark S.

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