Time Marches On


Have the courage to speak softly
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Sep 15, 2006
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Staffordshire, England
Feeling my age today :eek:. Why? Because I have come across a series that has started on ITV, called Pat and Cabbage, that stars two ladies upon whom I had huge crushes as a younger man in the mid-80's :D.

Barbara Flynn was in a fabulous series called The Beiderbecke Affair when I first saw her. With her soft eyes, amused expression and curvaceous form she soon had me smitten :D.

I first laid eyes on Cheri Lunghi in Shakespeare on BBC. "Much Ado About Nothing" I think it was ... I begged to differ for there was indeed very much something to be 'ado' about :lol:.

$barabra flynn.jpg

$cheri lunghi.png

Now they are both in their sixties and seeing them now and thus recalling when I first saw them makes me realise just how I have been carried along on the tide of time :(. I still think they are lovely tho :).

They are still lovely. I'd hate to think how I must appear to the infrequent (yet still precious) young lady who had a crush on me 40 yrs. ago.
Fear not my friend, I think this is merely the fifth decade hiatus before we start to slide back upwards on the scale of life quality.

Of course, without wanting to darken things unnecessarily, I have good reason to feel like I have been wrung out, thrown down and stamped on by Thor. Whether the physical effects will prove transitory I don't know but I do feel more like I am seventy than fifty presently.
I more and more find myself having similar moments as I look at actresses who were so beautiful when I was younger...sigh.
Fear not my friend, I think this is merely the fifth decade hiatus before we start to slide back upwards on the scale of life quality.

Of course, without wanting to darken things unnecessarily, I have good reason to feel like I have been wrung out, thrown down and stamped on by Thor. Whether the physical effects will prove transitory I don't know but I do feel more like I am seventy than fifty presently.

I have a son that is 50, and I am 70, I rest my case........:)
Yes, seeing an old film, viewing an old TV series, or just hearing a song from long ago, reminds me also that I am no longer in my 20's. Memories are a wonderful thing but can be depressing when they remind us that time seems to move faster and faster as we grow older.
My wife was showing our daughter-in-law some old photos a few days ago and suddenly my daughter-in-law law said " wait who was that young man" my wife look and said "that's Sheldon when I first met him". The next comment was "What happened to him". LOL time dose change the way we look

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