Tiger vs Crocodile

Hello, Thanks for sharing that video clip! We are not the only ones who wants crocodile shoes too? ...................Aloha

Have you try Croc meat?
still learning said:
Hello, Thanks for sharing that video clip! We are not the only ones who wants crocodile shoes too? ...................Aloha

Have you try Croc meat?
No but I have had alligator. I imagine they'd taste pretty much the same. Excellent meal that was down in New Orleans.

One video of a crocodile getting "murdered" by a Tiger does not prove that crocodiles as a species is inferior. The crocodile was clearly a child of his species. No movement, didn't bother to throw an attack, and allowed the Tiger to simply out-grappling him. It also appears the Tiger attacked unfairly, the crocodile didn't even look like he knew a fight was going to take place. Anyone can beat on another unprepared species. Lets see a crocodile get the drop on a Tiger. The crocodile's uber d3adly strike "jaws of death", made deadly by the secret training used to strengthen the muscles of the jaw, would overcome the Tiger.

Show me a "real" crocodile and I will show you a superior species.

P.S. I COULDN'T resist. I saw the video and it reminded me of the arguements of the past over TMA vs MMA and Striking vs. Grappling.
I have no opinion/ax to grind as to the overall superiority of either animal, but I can't help but wonder if the video is at the least, a testimony to having "home field advantage". The tiger was able to pin the gator to the ground and then use his jaws on the gator's neck. I wonder how it would have turned out if the tiger had been streamside getting a drink of water, and the gator had locked it's jaws onto the tiger's leg and pulled it into deep water.
I have to agree with the 'home-field advantage' element. The croc made the mistake of encroaching on the tiger's territory. According to the narration, the crocodile was trying to steal the tiger's food. Must have been pretty hungry to take a risk like that.

Gotta remember with something like that - it is real combat, not a sport to prove who's the best / who's style's the best - it's about survival, and fairness (of terrain or whatever) means nothing.

But still, that guy's Tiger Style Kung Fu was waay strong! :D
I have to admit, that I was pretty impressed with the tigers handling of the croc. Still though, that was not a big croc as crocs go.

Lets see what happens to the tiger when it meets an 18 footer instead of the 10 footer we see in that video.

Ive seen video of crocs taking down full grown wildebeats that were drinking. once that crocs jaws are stapped around the head and neck, I doubt that a tiger would put up much of a fight.
Put the croc in the water, and the situation changes. They grab the victim and start to spin, ripping up any limbs they get. They often will drown the victim as well, pulling them to deeper water.

Tigers are swimmers, given it is so hot in Asia...so I don't doubt that a few of them have fallen prey to crocs.

Clearly on land the tiger has the advantage, however.

Context, context, context...

