Thrusting Salute

punisher73 said:
I guess it's my previous training coming out but, I can "get" the left strike to the right kick of my opponent. But, for the life of me I can't get the right strike to work for me. I feel all bound up with it. Any help with this part of it so I can understand using this tool?
The right palm up block comes under the left arm as left is cocking over right hip. Then the left arm does the downward outward block as right hand chambers to right hip. Right should then pop up to check high.

Once I started doing this I can't stop. It's in my short and long 2 now.
You described it how I was taught. The free hand (depending if you are doing it right or left handed) has to pop up immediately to check the opponent from either falling forward on you (depending how hard you blocked his leg and spread him out) or to act as a check against any followup hand strikes he may employ. Followed by an immediate snap kick and palm heel thrust should complete a decent technique. I like this one.
A few points on Thrusting Salute.

(1) be sure to step back to around 4:30 to align yourself up to the opponent's targets

(2) use a right inside downward block, followed by a left oustide downward block so as to move your right arm from point of origin

(3) after the blocks, rebound to the front kick to the groin

Hope this helps.

Jamie Seabrook
punisher73 said:
I guess it's my previous training coming out but, I can "get" the left strike to the right kick of my opponent. But, for the life of me I can't get the right strike to work for me. I feel all bound up with it. Any help with this part of it so I can understand using this tool?
One thing that helped me with it was envisioning that the right block stopped (diverted is probably a better word) the attacker's kick; and the left block hammered the attacker's leg to set him him up for my own kick.
1. Try doing the right deflecting block with the fist closed and the palm down--much as in the old Intellectual departure's initial move--which takes less time, rotating that right hand over only with the left block, which both accelerates that block and sets up the following right-handed heel-palm.

2. I don't see anything wrong with somebody advanced grafting into, say, Tripping Arrow...but it is a graft from another source within kenpo.

3. Liked the "Ghost Dancing," part, as it helps explain why the technique's set up the way it is.
Guys, the right inward 'block' is a hidden strike. You invite your opponent to attack the left area of the ribs by raising your elbow slightly, this often draws them in. Then you shift as if pivoting for a reverse punch and strike whatever was drawn in with your palm up hammerfist. This has never failed me, people just dont expect for their strikes to be attacked in obscure ways...

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