Originally posted by Seig
In most instances, when a proper strike is executed to the groin, it has been my experience that I get a "lift" from the attacker(meaning the body goes up, not back). I do not normally see them bend over with the hips tilted to the rear(this particular action seems to happen more when the attacker is trying to preven himself from getting hit in the groin). As a general rule, when I hit someone in the groin, I get the above mentioned lift and the legs opened, creating an off balance posture and opening up the center line. (This does not seem to be in response to the pain. When I see a pain repsonse, they usually crumple, or bend over and back away.) More often than not, when I hit a bladder in the studio, I get an upper torso crunch and then have to be aware of an involuntary head butt. In the real world, not only do I get the above reaction, but have caused the attacker to void their bladder.