i need some info on some styles of ma's


White Belt
hey, hows it going, ok the thing is i want to get into a new ma, ive takeing tkd for some time now, but when sparring and training with some mma guys and guys from diff ma's, to me tkd seems kind of useless for what i want, dont get me wrong i love it and its a good thing to get into and learn about but, its not best sutied for me, i want something with alot more offeencof such as muay thai or something aloong the lines of that, and i want something that exiles in real world sitsuations not just in the ring, im 18 and in the best shape of my life so it dosent matter if i need to go thourht alot of hard work and pain, i rather it that way, i hate when things are easy and i train to be the best i can be, any tips or info abut any ma that sounds like i might like plz give me a reply
It sounds like this is more an issue of how you are training rather than the style of MA you've chosen. Why are you getting beat? Why do you think your TKD is not effective? Oh yeah, when I was 18 I thought I was in the best shape of my life too ;)
i never said i was loseing, i was saying its useless for wat i want, and im in the best shape of my life.. so far :)
You should shop around in your area for different schools and different styles. You'll find what you're looking for, eventually. So don't worry.
yah im just not sure yet im haveing a hard time picking one, like i love tkd too for its historay culture and how good it makes me feel, but i want something more up to date i guess, something focused on real world sitsuatons, but i dont want it all deffenceof i want to get into a ma thats build for offance, i was thinking of takeing muay thai, but i heard some good things about hipkido, i want something with intence training, like iron shirt, fist palm, things like that really intrest me, i want to push my limts to the max
OK, the accounts closed but I have heard this comment in my dojo and it drives me 6 ways from batty.

The Art is only limited by the person performing it. I have a close friend who has taken TKD beyond what I thought possible. He is amazing. Isee examples of "real world" applications in some of the most basic...umm, basics.
It's not what you know, its how you apply it.

Your friend,
Sempai Little1 :wavey:
The Art is only limited by the person performing it.

That is simply not true, all arts have strengths and limitations.

If you train Judo you are probably going to have some limitations in your striking, if you train TKD you will likely have some limitations if someone takes you to the ground.

The individual is important, but so is what they are training and how they are training it, which is largely decided by the style and the instructor.
Perhaps I didn't explain myself very well.
I agree with you that judo may struggle in striking as karate would struggle in throws. (examples only)
What I mean is, it seemed that this person was looking for something right now, not after training for the nessesary time.
It doesn't matter what MA he tries he will come up against the same frustrations.
Every good instructor is going to want a student to learn the basics before teaching advance techniques. I sounded to me that he wanted to run before he crawled.
That is what I ment by the Art is only limited by the person performing it.
I hope I made myself clearer this time.
Your friend,
Sempai Little1 :wavey: