This is just sooooo wrong

Just unbelievably disturbing.
Hmm for some reason this reminds me of a story I heard the other day over pizza.

This feller who works in a funeral home apparently prefers to, um, have "relations" only in an ice-filled bathtub :uhohh:
This reminds me of the time the cop caught a man in a field having relations with a Pumpkin. The cop asked what the hell he thought he was doing. The man looked at his watch and asked, "Damn is it midnight already?"
There's a cure, all right, but it isn't the kinder, gentler, PC kind we have to use nowadays.........

Things like this always chill my bones numb, because people who go on to kill other people usually start out on animals.......
It was off the list before this. The wife made the choice.

But seriously, I have decided to only move back to states that have on-line registries of sex offenders. Do they have that in Wisconsin? If so, this guy would be on it with the reasons for his being there explained, right? I don't know if that would be better or worse than a run of the mill pervert to most folks.

We have online registries for sex offenders and you can even go online and they will tell you where they live. The scary thing is that these creeps live all over the place. We have three of them in our neighborhood. The scarier thing is that the law states that they can't within a certain distance of a school. Most live, just outside that distance.
And meanwhile Animal rights activist want to put a cute little fuzz ball down in Germany.

Why aren't they here helping the surviving deer in Wisconsin through the trauma?
I'll see your story and raise you one:

A man who was found dressed in latex and handcuffs brought a donkey to his room in a Galway city centre hotel, because he was advised "to get out and meet people," the local court heard last week.
Thomas Aloysius McCarney, with an address in south Galway, was charged with cruelty to animals, lewd and obscene behaviour, and with being a danger to himself when he appeared before the court on Friday. He was also charged with damage to a mini-bar in the room, but this charge was later dropped when the defendant said that it was the donkey who caused that damage. Solicitor for the accused Ms Sharon Fitzhenry said that her client had been through a difficult time lately and that his wife had left him and that his life had become increasingly lonely.
"Mr McCarney has been attending counselling at which he was told that he would be advised to get out and meet people and do interesting things. It was this advice that saw him book into the city centre hotel with a donkey," she said. She added that Mr McCarney also suffered from a fixation with the Shrek movies and could constantly be heard at work talking to himself saying things like "Isn't that right, Donkey?"
Supt John McBrearty told the court that Mr McCarney who had signed in as "Mr Shrek" had told hotel staff that the donkey was a family pet and that this was believed by the hotel receptionist who the supt said was "young and hadn't great English."
Receptionist Irina Legova said that Mr McCarney had told her that the donkey was a breed of "super rabbit" which he was bringing to a pet fair in the city. The court was told that the donkey went berserk in the middle of the night and ran amok in the hotel corridor, forcing hotel staff to call the gardai.
McCarney was found in the room wearing a latex suit and handcuffs, the key to which the donkey is believed to have swallowed. He was removed to Mill St station after which it is said he was the subject of much mirth among the lads next door in The Galway Arms.
He was fined €2,000 for bringing the donkey to the room under the Unlawful Accommodation of Donkeys Act 1837. Other charges were dropped due to lack of evidence.*

*This story isn't true but it was recently published and believed by quite alot of people.
*This story isn't true but it was recently published and believed by quite alot of people.

Unfortunately, the original story is true. And even if the other Was true, come on, as far as bestiality goes, donkeys are cliche.

And, besides, this was necrobestiality.

I never thought I'd EVER have to put that prefix on that word.
True, though I would consider bestiality just as sick as er.... necrobestiality... maybe he was scared of getting a kick....

That actual killing of an animal in this case raises alarm bells but if looked at objectively, is the killing of an animal in itself (as in hunting) also transferrable? I can think of one or two individuals who go hunting with shotguns at weekends that I would keep a watchful eye on.
Aw, this ain't nothing that a little pointing and laughing can't fix. And if it doesn't, there's always tarring and feathering. ;)