Third party candidates and the Electoral College


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
I started to answer this in the thread that inspired it, but then I decided it was off the topic and needed it's own thread.

Been having this discussion with a local friend over lunch lately. I don't ever recall hearing a politician espouse my beliefs 100%. Not even close.

More often than not, I find myself simply voting against the one I view as the worst candidate. The local elections keep me inspired enough to return to the polls.I wish I could simply cast a negative vote. Instead of for one candidate, just against the other...

This might be the year for me to vote for a third party, if there are any reasonable options.

The framers of the Constitution did not envision, nor did they plan for, the 2 party system that we have now, which has created a major problem with the Electoral College. Because of the current interaction between these two, voting for a third party candidate is unlikely to do more than take votes away from one of the major party candidates, leading to the other winning. That's sad - because I really think that a third party candidate might be the answer, if the correct candidate could be found, one who would truly do what is in the best interest of the people - not the party, not the lobbyists, not any of the other special interests that lead to so much pork barrel legislation. But unless a candidate could be found that would attract a majority of voters from both parties, I can't see how such a candidate could be elected.
Fist a bit of an applicable side note

George Washington was against political parties because he believed that it would lead to party politics and people would vote for what is best for the party not what is best for the country.

And I agree so I am not sure a 3rd party would not just be more of the same.

But I do wish a good candidate would appear because I am getting sick and tired of voting for the candidate I feel will do the least damage instead of the one I feel would do the best job


I also am beginning to think Plato was right

Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber.
If any one is interested in voting Socialist (or just wants to see what my party is up to) : Socialist Party USA. If you're going to critise me, fine, but first review the party platform so you can do so form a theoritical point, and not what you think it is.

Thank you.
Washington was a pretty smart guy. He and Jefferson and a few other founding fathers would cry to see what happened to the nation they founded.

As to the Socialists, I almost voted that way a few years back, but went Libertarian instead.
Like mrhnau, I can't find a group to which I could comfortably belong. The Libertarians come closest, but when I read their platform the reaction I have is, "Yes... Yesss... Uh-huh... Yep... Right... ...NO! Hell no! WTF were you thinking?!?"
Like mrhnau, I can't find a group to which I could comfortably belong. The Libertarians come closest, but when I read their platform the reaction I have is, "Yes... Yesss... Uh-huh... Yep... Right... ...NO! Hell no! WTF were you thinking?!?"
I'm the same way. Percentage wise, I'm probably closer to the Libertarians, but there are a few glaring points that I simply can't stomach.
The framers of the Constitution did not envision, nor did they plan for, the 2 party system that we have now, which has created a major problem with the Electoral College. Because of the current interaction between these two, voting for a third party candidate is unlikely to do more than take votes away from one of the major party candidates, leading to the other winning. That's sad - because I really think that a third party candidate might be the answer, if the correct candidate could be found, one who would truly do what is in the best interest of the people - not the party, not the lobbyists, not any of the other special interests that lead to so much pork barrel legislation. But unless a candidate could be found that would attract a majority of voters from both parties, I can't see how such a candidate could be elected.

Thanks for the reply :) I think the nation is ready for a third party. There needs to be a legit candidate though, who won't be laughed off of the podium. Perot had a good shot, and actually led for a little while before withdrawing and returning. Think he was in the mid 30's.

It's going to take someone with charisma and enthusiasm that is as sick of party politics as I think most Americans are. I'd like to see some of the more serious flaws in our current government fixed, but I think a third party candidate is really going to have their hands tied until Congress can be purged of some of the old blood.
But I do wish a good candidate would appear because I am getting sick and tired of voting for the candidate I feel will do the least damage instead of the one I feel would do the best job

Who would you consider a good candidate? If you can't think of a name, what would they stand for and do in office?
I always vote third party not matter who the candidate is in the hopes that one day they will have matching funds. Personally I lean towards the libertarians, but I do think their current candidates lack the charisma to capture a major election. The only one who has recently came close was Ron Paul. I personally like Jessie Ventura. Yeah, I know. Here come the flames. But when I look at his platform, I kinda am in line on most points.
I do not think I will ever agree with anyone 100%. But I refuse to vote for someone because they "are the lesser of two evils". That line of thinking only gets us more of the same whether its from the left or right.
Who would you consider a good candidate? If you can't think of a name, what would they stand for and do in office?

It is going to sound like a cop out but to be honest it has been so long and I am so jaded I honestly don't know.. I will have to give this some thought
I always vote third party not matter who the candidate is in the hopes that one day they will have matching funds. Personally I lean towards the libertarians, but I do think their current candidates lack the charisma to capture a major election. The only one who has recently came close was Ron Paul. I personally like Jessie Ventura. Yeah, I know. Here come the flames. But when I look at his platform, I kinda am in line on most points.
I do not think I will ever agree with anyone 100%. But I refuse to vote for someone because they "are the lesser of two evils". That line of thinking only gets us more of the same whether its from the left or right.
That way, we can continue to pay for it, but, have no control. Great plan! Simply brilliant!
LIke I said, I do not agree "100%" with his platform.

But if you are only going to flame me for actually stating my opinion mabye you would like to grow a set and state who you think would be a good candidate instead of ragging on everyone else.:rolleyes: