Chose your 3rd party candidate!


Senior Master
This political season has been a bit disappointing thus far. I'm definitely not voting for either Obama or Clinton, but I'm having a hard time getting excited about McCain. This will wind up being one of those years I wish I had a legit third party candidate.

If you had your choice for your dream third party candidate, who would it be and why? Can be anyone, not limited to politicians. Pick the VP on the ticket if you want :)
Collin Powel and Condi Rice

No one could question ANYTHING they did without getting called SOME kind of ""

Ralph Nader for president.

He's running, you know. Or maybe no one does since only the richest candidates get air time or coverage. Can you say "office for sale?"

Someone said he'd be shot the first day but I think he's got a leg up on Hillary and Barry ... er, Barrack as far as who'd be shot first.
I say Bob! The rest of the Mod's can be his cabinet! Just take what has been done here and expand it to all!
Ralph Nader for president.

He's running, you know. Or maybe no one does since only the richest candidates get air time or coverage. Can you say "office for sale?"

Someone said he'd be shot the first day but I think he's got a leg up on Hillary and Barry ... er, Barrack as far as who'd be shot first.
Heh, Ralph Nader would put the fear into the "powers that be". There would be a WHOLE LOT of dirty underwear from people soiling themselves and a WHOLE LOT of coffee stains on starched white shirts if he won.

And, they'd kill him. He'd be that dangerous. Obama? He *may* be the "common person's hero", but he still knows about "playing the game". Nader? He wouldn't be playing -- that's why he'd get killed. Too many people with too much to lose, especially if he starts calling everyone out. Yeah, Ralph Nader would cause a BIG RUCKUS.
Seriously, it won't matter who it was at all. The Democrats and republicans will band together and close ranks. To get any funding you have to go infront of a committee run by their most senior people. Look at how the debates were blocked out to 3rd party people in the past, etc... The rule of Dem's and Repub's must be shattered before any other party can come about. I do think the country is moving toward an honest 3rd party idea though.
Seriously, it won't matter who it was at all. The Democrats and republicans will band together and close ranks. To get any funding you have to go infront of a committee run by their most senior people.

Heh, Nader could use the bully pulpit to such and advantage he would wreck their world. He'd just go, "Oh, okay, well, I have to address the nation now on tv..."

And then he'd break it out. Again, coffee on starched white shirts. Coffee on starched white shirts. That's a hard stain to get out!
Probably the only reason GM and the UAW didn't have Nader shot was it might increase his credibility. Nader is the perenial loser of presidential politics, the Susan Lucci of the big time.
Joint rulership would go to the Three Stooges. Sure, they're dumb! But name something smart any of the others would do/have done!

"You can be Secretary of the can be Secretary of Offense....and I'll be Toastmaster General!"
Ron Paul all of the way. If he went third party, I would devote my time to campaign matters and do everything I could to get him elected.

Otherwise, I'm voting for Tommy Chong. First day in the Whitehouse would consist of firing up a big *** blunt in the Oval Office and telling everyone to relax. Nothing would get done. No more wars. No more people thrown in Gitmo. No more of our rights would be taken away. No more government sponsored corporate theivery. No more.

People would need to relearn to take care of themselves, rely on each other, and relax. Relax instead of being afraid all of the time.
Probably the only reason GM and the UAW didn't have Nader shot was it might increase his credibility. Nader is the perenial loser of presidential politics, the Susan Lucci of the big time.

No sir..... facing yet 8 more years of the Bush/Klinton era if Hellary can steal this nomination and then the election, I would say the entire country has been the loser of presidential politics.