It is, and it isn't.$850 is overpriced... by a lot, unless the photo is specific and unique to the project. Royalty free stock photography of high quality cam be purchased for around $12. That's for a large, wditable, royalty free image._ look at sites like
To be honest, most photos on the stock sites are crap, and there's a huge glut on the market because every guy with a camera submits to them. My work's worth more than my nephews for example. $850 is in the area for what I charge for a Masters Portrait with full rights assignment. Ed Parker used to charge about $2k for his work. Don't know what the current rate is.
Regardless though, maybe the shot IS over priced. The photographer can still list it as such, and insist on the fee in a case of misuse. Just because you don't like the cost of a Ferarri because an Escort is cheaper, doesn't mean you can get the Ferrari at Ford prices, n all that.
I checked, and the requested fee for one of the images, is $475/year, secondary placement. There are comparable images at iStock for $1-30 bucks.
Like I said earlier though, you can find guys selling solid shots for $2,000, and others who'll do it for a 6 pack or byline. At the end of the day though, the images were used without the artists permission, weren't paid for, and as such violated copyright law by a mile.
And please, no Mikey Mouse stuff.....Disney'd chew us like Goofy on a bone.