Well, yes, decent amateurs (and crappy 'pros') But the number of reliable people is going down across the board it seems.
I charge $15 for an 8x10 print. It's on pro paper, done in a pro lab. In short, it's quality that will last. Along comes someone else with a $99 ink jet printer and the bargain paper from Office*. They knock out prints for $5 on the spot.
They also shot for free, I ask for a $100 minimum guarantee a lot of the time (covers my gas, lunch and paying my assistant, not much else).
I have pro lights, he has the $99 start up special from the local photo shop. His work's all over the place, mine is spot on (I can crank out portraits in my sleep).
I have insurance, he doesn't.
Guess who I'm losing gigs to?
Then there was the event promoter who wanted my to drive 6 hours, spend 3 days covering his 200+ competator event, where he was expecting 1,000 spectators.
All on my dime.
I could sell cd's of the event at the event.
Oh, and give him a meager 40% of my profits to boot.
I told him what my day rate was, that I expected hotel, travel and meals as well.
That I'd split the cd sales with him 50/50, and if his event was as successful as he saw it, he'd still make a couple grand after paying me.
Never heard back, saw the work his buddy did, and we laughed.
Yeah.....and people wonder why I shoot models so much. LOL!