Things that make you say, Hhmmm...


Senior Master
Just a little blup from Jean Lopez on coahing his brothers and sister below.

“The advantage I have in coaching my siblings is I know what they are thinking without them telling me and they trust me,” Jean said.

“When I was younger, it was difficult at times having your older brother telling you what to do,” Steven said. “But as we got older, I realized the advantage I have over most people – having someone you can trust. So when you’re in a high pressure situation like being in the Olympics or World Championships, then that kind of relationship with your coach is vital.”

Now why does this not apply to other coaches that developed and have trust with their fighters.

You can read the entire article here if you like ->
Because the USAT says we do not count for ****, we are only good for producing fighters for them to coach. Only they can bring out the power in the beast. They are the all mighty and we are ****. Did I cover everything for everybody.

Seriously people are now thinking this is news when it has been in the works for the last 7 years, the members backed the USAT on this and nobody even thought about what is next and how will this effect some players except a few of us but we did not know anything back then.
This is an extreme example, but look what happened to Mike Tyson after Cus D'Amoto died. You could instantly see a change for the worse both in and out of the ring.
Be careful...some questions are better asked in private....right Terry

You are going to do allot of Hhmmmm......

Been a bunch of BS since the whole inception of USAT.

First the USTU was crooked and corrupt.... now USAT is blatently playing favorites and broke. or claiming to be broke anyway.

What makes me say Hmmmmm.... is how much longer will Dave and friends be incharge? will the change for the better happen?
This sort of human behaviour is what is worrying a lot of us in UK MMA right now. We don't have a ruling or governing body at all but a group of people are trying to start up one with the view to regulating everything and licensing fighters, coaches, officials and fight nights etc. This would be fine except it's being set up as a profit making business by people who aren't actually involved in martial arts of any type! As I've said before about MMA here we are nearly all from TMA and have had experiences of the arguments and politics involved in organisations and how there is empire building and favouritism, we thought we'd left this all behind us but of course we haven't. Where are the people who are willing to work for the sport/art instead of themselves? Sadly I have heard the same story as the TKD one and this latest for MMA in many sports here such as athletics, swimming etc. I've even seen it in Scouting!
The people who are in a sport for their own glory, and they are rarely competitors, are those who volunteer to do all the work, everyone else is grateful and doesn't realise until too late that the sport has been taken over by the egos and glory hunters who love the 'power' and prestige' they have taken. It's the thing about for evil to flourish good men have to do nothing.
Be careful...some questions are better asked in private....right Terry

You are going to do allot of Hhmmmm......

Yes Gorilla and remember I have no problem with waht they are doing sinply because it was voted upon by it's members. Now if anybody wants change all they need to do is follow the bylaws and make a presentation and have the board second it and then see if it will be passed. I am sorry but like I said earlier people can only be mad at themself for not listening and understanding what they was agreeing to in the first place.
Be careful...some questions are better asked in private....right Terry

You are going to do allot of Hhmmmm......
I understand. Because we belong to the USAT we have no option but to do what they put in front of us. But it may also be as simple as they don't even realize what they are doing. They may truly think that what they are doing is the best way. Sometimes it only takes one incident like this one for someone at the top to say "Hey wait a minute, that is not what you told us would be best"

Just some thought.
i understand. Because we belong to the usat we have no option but to do what they put in front of us. But it may also be as simple as they don't even realize what they are doing. They may truly think that what they are doing is the best way. Sometimes it only takes one incident like this one for someone at the top to say "hey wait a minute, that is not what you told us would be best"

just some thought.

Yes Gorilla and remember I have no problem with waht they are doing sinply because it was voted upon by it's members. Now if anybody wants change all they need to do is follow the bylaws and make a presentation and have the board second it and then see if it will be passed. I am sorry but like I said earlier people can only be mad at themself for not listening and understanding what they was agreeing to in the first place.

It is very complex!!! Hopefully it will be fixed!!! Many are trying!!! I am not saying people should do nothing. Just be careful what you post on these forums!!!! You have been going to Nationals for years the politics are challenging for those who are still competing at the SR level.
I agree with you ATC and Gorilla but the top seem to not care about what the botom thinks or so it seems. I am and will be both AAU and USAT because one needs to be. Does not mean I have to like eevrything, manI have been married for 20 year and we do not see eye to eye on everything but we have manage to find a happy medium for everything, that is where I am at with organization right now a happy medium.