Who would you like to see be the US National Team Head Coaches?


Orange Belt
I feel that Jean will move on the consult other nations once Steven, Mark, and Diana retire. But with Juan, he has the PEAK system taking talent outside of his Miami location. Here is some minimum criteria I'd prefer to see him/her:

1. Has a personal athletic background of placing at USTU/USAT Senior or Junior Nationals, US Open, and/or Collegiate or Military Championships.
2. Has personally developed BB athletes who have placed at above games or made US Team.

These are just minimums. Sure, I'd love to have each US Team Coach to have a Physical Education degree. What would be your choice & what other criteria would you like? Under the previous USAT board, I wouldn't trust them to select them. My choices: Jason Poos & Sherman Nelson. Elizabeth Evans for coaching the Women/Girls on the US Team.
We should do away with the position as a paid position. They should be selected based on how many athletes they place on the team. We pay Juan and Jean 180k per year. That could fund the coaches. If Juan an Jean continue to place team members they still can coach. No more paid National Team coaches.
Seriously I believe the athletes coach should take them, they are the one's that have got them there period. Why can't people like Jimmy Kim not take Charlotte? So once again to make sure I am clear on this subject there coaches.....
Here is something Herbie posted on Facebook:
"GM Herb Perez The Usat and it's board should take a new look at the high performance dept. it is time to rethink two coaches and a high performance dept head that is niether a sport professional or Taekwondo specialist. She is a glorified travel agent. If that is the role of staff we need to re task a coach to run high performance and rethink a two tier coaching program with a focus on grassroots development for a start. The pipeline is empty5 hours ago via mobile ·"

Pretty funny since he is the one who negotiated with the USOC in 2006 to get Juan and Jean the gig. The deal was if they were hired for $60K each, then USOC would forgive $120K of debt, but it had to be Juan and Jean. The next year he negotiated their $20K a year raises. And now he says the program is not working. I notice he didn't say that when they were insisting that Herb go as Head of Team on all International events for all those years.
Seriously I believe the athletes coach should take them, they are the one's that have got them there period. Why can't people like Jimmy Kim not take Charlotte? So once again to make sure I am clear on this subject there coaches.....
If you want to go there the hyon lee should have taken Charlotte and athletes should not be able to change coaches without a one year suspension (like ncaa basketball).
To answer the op i would like to see master Ryu or one of the salim brothers as head coach.
If you want to go there the hyon lee should have taken Charlotte and athletes should not be able to change coaches without a one year suspension (like ncaa basketball).
To answer the op i would like to see master Ryu or one of the salim brothers as head coach.

Josef Sailm is GBR
Josef Salim is a great coach but I would not want him or anybody as a National Team Coach in a paid position. Each coach should be selected by how many players they put on the team. We could fund that type of system easily with salaries and perks we pay currently under our crony based system.

I would not want to replace the current crony system of friends of Juan and Jean. With a new crony system that is the friends of the Salim Brothers.

They all can coach just put players on the team.

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