pubs are now table service only, you cant get a drink if you go to the bar, but the only way to get a drink inva crowded pub is to go to the bar and say id like a drink please then go and sit down again and the bar persons comes over and says would you like a drink ? , they clearly need a system where you wave a small flag if you want to orderits gone really really silly here, its gone from doing next to nothing to doing an enourmass number of things that have little to no relivance to stopping the spread ,
im seriously begining to think they are just plucking laws at random out of a hat
scotland has barred back ground music in pubs and restaurants, because, well no reason i can think of at all, clearly covid like plants must flourish if it "hears" music
in some places you can go for drink can mingle and converse with people you find there, but cant make an " arrangment" to meet someone there, coz????? though how they kbow such an arrangemeebt was made i have no idea
, their kicking pubs out at 10pm, so peopke are all converging bg on supermarkets to buy more alcohol, that they consume in groups on the street,
really the sillyness is nearly endless
sitting in groups is ok probably, ( its not at all clear,) as long as you didnt arrange to meet any of the goup there, that arnt from your house hold, no mask required, but going to the toilet, going out for a cig or putting money in the juke box( not scotland) requires a mask, infact any standing pissition requires a mask but no sitting position