The world is my dojo.


Yellow Belt
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
Well, the sand pit just down from my house. There is a fairly rock free area to the right (rolls etc) I run the track that the kids made with their dirt bikes/quads. Running up the hills works the legs. The downside is on sunny weekends, every kid in a 20 mile radius with a dirt bike is there.

Backyard. (4 dogs, so rolling around is not suggested !)


Right now I can't afford to go to a dojo, even though there is one with a great sensei just down the road. So I use what is available.
Thanks for the look into your world ride57. It is good to be reminded that training doesn't only happen in a building with padded floors.
I can't find the Best of the Best training montage where the Korean team is kicking trees in the snow, doing punches in a horse stance under a waterfall...
Your dojo is a lot like my kwoon... except that I live in the desert. BTW what's in that brown jar in the garage next to your iron-palm bag? Sun tea, dit dar jow, or pickled sheep's brains?
Your dojo is a lot like my kwoon... except that I live in the desert. BTW what's in that brown jar in the garage next to your iron-palm bag? Sun tea, dit dar jow, or pickled sheep's brains?
What is left of the last guy who asked what was in that jar...
Your dojo is a lot like my kwoon... except that I live in the desert. BTW what's in that brown jar in the garage next to your iron-palm bag? Sun tea, dit dar jow, or pickled sheep's brains?

lol "evil" pickled sheep's brain

dit da jow actually. That one is from Plum Dragon Herbs. I am also brewing some Chan Ning Tong, from Iron Lotus Society.
Right now I can't afford to go to a dojo, even though there is one with a great sensei just down the road. So I use what is available.

I train(ed) outdoors year-round. Nothing wrong with that. Two days ago I worked out with a friend of mine in 2 feet of snow in Central Park. At the very least it shows commitment to what your doing. Good for you.
You put in your post that you can't afford to go to a dojo.
Have you thought about going to Craig's List and try the "barter" section to see if you can trade something for classes?
I don't know if that works, but I have seen people try.

Thanks for posting a look at you work out area.
Working outside actually gives many of us a truer idea of where we are going to have to protect oursleves and what we can and can not do in that invirorment.
running in that sand must build up terrific leg strength