The Wiser Party Platform

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Mark Weiser


Supports Abortion only when medically neccessary to save the life of the mother. .

Drug Policy / War:
- Legalize Marijuana then study the viability of legalizing other current illegal drugs to cut out the profit of selling. Use Tax on legal drugs to assist with medical and social programs to help overcome addictions.
- Just as Prohibition did not work during the 30's. Current Drug Enforcement is a failed policy needs to be deleted or major reform

Death Penalty:
- Allowable under strict circumstances per State Laws.

Supreme Court:
- We need Judges appointed that have a firm belief in States Rights and will not allow power consolidation in a Central Government.

State Fiscal Crisis:
- Allow the States to enter into International Trade Agreements as set forth by Each States Congress. Encourage Solid Business Planning type mindset for States to become healthier and leaner.

- Repeal the current Income Tax System and replace it with a Consumption type Tax and or Combining it with a Percentage Tax across the Borad..
- Revamp the Current Auditing Proceedures make it a Non Government Agency aka Civilian - Watchdog Group. Federal Budget after passing Congress must get approval from this agency for Fiscal Budget.
- Look at the Feasbility of Phasing out Social Security as it is the biggest budget buster of the Federal Government.

Election Reform:
- Removal of PAC's and Lobbyist from Washington DC. This will cut down corruption and pork in DC.
- Term Limits is a Must for Elected Officals.

- Remove the Dependence of States on Federal Dollars to give the State the freedom to make thier own choices on Educaiton.

Governmental Growth:
- Reduce the Central Government to the Orginal Mandates of the Consitution.

- Encourage the useage of Altenate Fuel Sources- Solar, Hydro, Electrical, Wind.
- Reduce the amount of Federal Lands and return them to the States to use the lands for Purposes the State wishes.
- Encourage States to use Cleaner Manufactuering Processes to make Energy.

Farming / Livestock:
- Remove Federal Involvement in Paying Farmers not to grow Crops.
- Allow States to start Contracts with Foregin Governments for Exporting Produce and other items for Trade. Remove Federal Red Tape.

Gay Rights:
- Allow the States to make decisions of recongizing Gay Marriages.
- Allow States to make their own laws in regards to discrimination
- Allow States to make laws aganist Hate Crimes.

- Gun Makers should not be named in Lawsuits due to deaths or injury from the useage of firearms.
- The Second Ammendment should not be infringed by any Federal Agency or Law.
- Background Checks at Gun Shows should be allowed if allowed by that States current law.
- Encourage the useage of current resources to wean out potential felons and others deemed not allowed to own or buy firearms as stated in that States current Laws.

Home Land Security / Immigration:
- Repeal Patriot Act and restore civil liberties.
- Allow the Formation of a Central Agency to gather information and share it with other State Agencies and Federal Offices.
- Change current Immigration enforcement. Hire more INS Agents to go after illegals.
- Make it harder to become a US Citizen.
- Encourage the Coast Guard by recuriting and enforcing its current Mission.
- Placing Military alongside the Border Patrol at Check Points. Encourage the useage of Electronic Watching of all Borders.
- Change the Border Patrol to cross train and Patrol with U. S. Military..
- Airport Security should be a Military Operation should be based on Israeli Models.

Health Care:
- Encourage competition in the Drug Business to reduce cost.
- Modify the FDA current selection process to reduce the cost of studies and research for Drug Makers this in turn will save money to the Business and savings passed down to the consumers.
- Encourage more Non Profit Groups to become involved in Health Care Business.

Iraq / Afghanistan / Mid East / Military
- Give a solid time table to give Iraq and Afganistan Government a deadline to come online and place programs into place. Once Deadline is reached then we pull out Troops.
- Place enought troops to do the Job that is required. We got into this mess we need to do it correctly.
- The Draft maybe Neccessary to get the Man Power needed due to the Federal Government cutbacks in the last 10 years.

Retirement and Social Security:
- Slowly phase out Social Security over the period of 50 years. Encourage private investments for retirement.

- Have States make Laws for Companies that are formed within State Borders for fines and penalities for moving overseas.
- Have America get out of the current World Court and allow the USA to place Tariffs on Imported goods. Encourage the purchase of USA produced goods by USA citizens.
Abortion, Death Penalty, some parts of Military and Retirement seem to be our main differences.
From Mark's platform:

Gay Rights:
- Allow the States to make decisions of recongizing Gay Marriages.
- Allow States to make their own laws in regards to discrimination
- Allow States to make laws aganist Hate Crimes.

This implies to me that the equality of American citizens may be defined on a state by state basis. It's my view that the rights of citizens ought be mandated by the central authority, so as to provide consistency.
flatlander said:
This implies to me that the equality of American citizens may be defined on a state by state basis. It's my view that the rights of citizens ought be mandated by the central authority, so as to provide consistency.

While I definitely agree with you in principle, a strong argument can be made that the US Constitution grants the Federal Government no authority in these matters.

For this reason, such obviously laudable efforts as Civil Rights legislation have often been couched in somewhat dubious language involving interstate commerce, one of the areas that the Feds are clearly granted jurisdiction.
PeachMonkey said:

While I definitely agree with you in principle, a strong argument can be made that the US Constitution grants the Federal Government no authority in these matters.

For this reason, such obviously laudable efforts as Civil Rights legislation have often been couched in somewhat dubious language involving interstate commerce, one of the areas that the Feds are clearly granted jurisdiction.
And I agree with you, regarding the delegation by the Constitution. But I don't like it. Fortunately for me, I don't have to.

You know, the more time I spend in the Study, the more clear the fundamental differences between our countries becomes. Honestly, at first glance, the differences aren't that obvious. It's all in the details.....
How would you reduce gov't to constitutionally mandated roles, and yet do all the "encourage" things? How would the federal gov't "encourage" anything? PR campaigns?
The orginal concepts founded in Our Consitution is that the States have the power to grant rights. It has always been the choice of each state to recongize other States Rights. That is the reason the US Supreme Court has the authority to intercede at the request of a State to make a Decision or ruling when there is a State vs State Issue.

Most of the time the US Court would redirect the case back to the States to work out. As far as Civil Rights it is in the best interest of each State to come to a common base in order to keep the Peace. The Role of the Federal Govt should be directed towards International Issues not Internal which should be left up to each State to regulate.
Mark Weiser said:
The Role of the Federal Govt should be directed towards International Issues not Internal which should be left up to each State to regulate.
Ok, fair enough, but this now opens the door for the followin up question.

If the role of the Federal Government should be directed toward International issues, and leave internal issues to each state to regulate, as you have stated, then why would your Federal platform include policy positions on :

- Abortion
- Guns
- Health care
- Retirement and social security?

These are all internal matters of which none have any International component, yet all are apparently regulated at the Federal level, according to your policy statement.
It is true that the Federal Government has meddled in the States affairs for so long that the current problems will take time to wean off of for each Policy to be Reversed to the Orginal Intentions of our Founding Fathers. It is an unforunate Side Effect from a large centralized Government.

We all have bitter pills to swallow and since these policies have been in place for so long we may never see the light of day for years to come. The Feds have been allowed to infiltrate every aspect of our lives and needs to be taken out. We must SLOWLY wean ourselfs from these programs but the reality of it makes it neccessary to address these issues as they are currently in the Hands of Federal Regulations and Control.
Mark, thank you for the response.
Mark Weiser said:
We must SLOWLY wean ourselfs from these programs but the reality of it makes it neccessary to address these issues as they are currently in the Hands of Federal Regulations and Control.
Then why have a policy on abortion at all? You could just as easily delegate that to the individual States to decide, couldn't you? I mean, if Gay marriage can be a State decision, why not abortion?
Your Correct and the problem is that the Federal Government again with the useage of current Statues and Funding supports Abortion this is not the way it should be. The States should have the option to make laws concerning this issue.

However again the Feds have their fingers in every pie. We need to start slowly and wean the funding out and give the States the choices to Mandate their own Statues and Ordinances.
In Addition the Abortion Arena has of course $$$$ whereas Gay Marriage currently does not unless the Feds become more involved with forcing States to accept or deny certain rights by the use of Threats of withholding Federal Dollars in accepting current policy of the Central Government. This type of bribery goes on in every aspect of government.
Once again, thanks for the response, but this doesn't make it sufficiently clear to me why you feel that the Federal candidate Weiser Party should have ANY policy stance regarding abortion, if basic human rights such as gay marriage can be left up to the individual states.

Essentially, I see abortion and gay marriage as human rights issues. You have stated in this thread that internal matters ought be left to the individual states' discretion to direct policy. You have stated that the gay marriage issue should be a State decision.


The States should have the option to make laws concerning this issue.
Should have the option, or the obligation? It sounds like you're on the fence, here.
We need to start slowly and wean the funding out and give the States the choices to Mandate their own Statues and Ordinances.
Why the "need" to start slowly?
Once again the problem is that the Federal Government Has a big investment in the Abortion Issue. They the Feds have investied Millions of Dollars in Education, Medical Services, Jobs, SBA Loans, Pell Grants, Bonds, etc... in this Issue just saying we should just boom cut everything off is a Major Disaster.

The Problem is like Social Security that biggest bleed on Federal Dollars. We have had Social Security for over 50 years and many are dependent on it. Just as we have had the same mindset that the Federal Government is our Cash Cow for Social Programs. Abortion is big business and needs to be taken away slowly and replacing those funds with State Dollars if that State wishes to allow Funding for Abortion.

Currently Funding Levels and Policy dicates that this is still a Federal Issue and needs to be dealt with at the Federal Level to be disabled or canceled.
So then, you are in favour of the individual states to determine whether or not abortion can be legal there, provided that they can find a way to fund it?

I was really more concerned with the legality of it, not the funding.
I've said it before,but all controversy ends by making me KING!

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