The Wing Chun Curl

It's nice to be loved! lol!
I want to teach the women to follow through more when they defend against an attack. To attack their attacker, and not run until he is toast. So he can't follow you as you run for some supposed "help" that everyone teaches women to do.
What help?!? Is Dirty Harry in town? No one's gonna help you, to think like that is to encourage death.
I quess in other states or countries folks aren't allowed to thoroughly defend themseves without legal repurcussions. But, still, the mentality is still silly. That a woman shouldn't be allowed to finish off an attacker. That for her to finish a guy is excessive force.
Like that Dr. Ruthless lady's video. That's the kind of class I want.
(actually I just realized! If hubbie gets "challenged" where he teaches that would be covered under the self-defense law becasue it's a place of business. Groovy! ;) lol!
See, I didn't get mad. I'm a good girl! I can curb my temper, your not gonna get my goat the same way twice! lol!
Too me Wing Chun is for fighting...Its like bringing a broadsword to knife fight. If some big giant man says he wants rape little ole 5'1" 100lbs jane. Then Jane needs to pull out the broadsword. If my wife is out in the world an some man tries to rape her. She should cut his balls off,Cave in his apples apple,Poke in his eyes,break is knees in, Trist off his arm or break the arm at the elbow,Scrape skin off his knee an crush his ankle. What ever it takes to get free of him dishonoring me and my wife. If She is out at a grocery store or at work or college she shouldn't have to fear being attack....

We need more women like Si-Je to teach women how to attack relentless and totally destroy their attacker. Fighting is not a game. Your foe is either trying to Hurt you,Rape you or kill you. Sometimes all three. I am sure if man told the average straight man I am gonna beat you up an then rape you once I got you down. That man is not gonna fight to just protect himself. He is gonna fight for his manhood and life. The Two are interchangable. He is gonna do everything he can to destroy is attacker/raper. If he can he might even do permanent damage to the guy under the treat of exteme circumstances and sexual violation.

I totally endorse ruthless,dirty, and maiming their Assassin of Character.

Wing Chun is not to
be a bully,
Kill the innocent,
Become a tyrant
strike fear in others
rob the poor

Thats is not what Wing Chun is about.

It's nice to be loved! lol!
I want to teach the women to follow through more when they defend against an attack. To attack their attacker, and not run until he is toast. So he can't follow you as you run for some supposed "help" that everyone teaches women to do.
What help?!? Is Dirty Harry in town? No one's gonna help you, to think like that is to encourage death.
I quess in other states or countries folks aren't allowed to thoroughly defend themseves without legal repurcussions. But, still, the mentality is still silly. That a woman shouldn't be allowed to finish off an attacker. That for her to finish a guy is excessive force.
Like that Dr. Ruthless lady's video. That's the kind of class I want.
(actually I just realized! If hubbie gets "challenged" where he teaches that would be covered under the self-defense law becasue it's a place of business. Groovy! ;) lol!
See, I didn't get mad. I'm a good girl! I can curb my temper, your not gonna get my goat the same way twice! lol!
Wow! you just laid it all on the table. And totally went there.
I think people are afraid to seriously discuss this issue with that mindset. It's like their afraid to court or dealing with the legal system more than being killed or raped.
I always tell folks, "look, you have to survive to make it to court." If your worried about legal issues it will make you hesitate and possibly get you killed.
I'm not meaning to tell people that this attitude should be taken with every situation of conflict.

i.e. your family member or friend is drunk and just being a jerk, sure you'd take it easier on them.
or that one should be so ruthless even with minor conflicts with strangers that want to talk trash and egg you into a fight.
But, when It truely comes down to one being in immediate danger and there is no where to run to and their trying to kill or rape you or worse; then that situation should be handled with no remorse, no hesitations, no doubt, and no mercy.
it's an ugly topic, an ugly situation, and an ugly mindset, but what is even uglier is the fact that 1 in 5 women in the U.S. have been assaulted, or raped, that spousal abuse is rampant and punishment ineffective, that women are still not given the equality of men in the fact that it is EXPECTED that they should run like scared rabbits, and that they aren't encouraged or supported when they do survive or defend themselves in these encounters. It makes me feel like the "moral majority" believes that I don't have the human right to survive and defend myself and my family, and that does anger me.

But, not today. :)
Well you gave me an idea. I will give a list of times when not to fight?

Someone stands outside your house and yells obscenities and threathens you. Just call the police on him or her. But if that person kicks in my door and runs over to me. My first reaction is to shoot him with the 44. If I cant get to the 44. I will fight him possibly throw him to the ground. so I run and grab the 44 then I shoot him in the head. Shouldn't have kicked in the door idiot. I rather shoot you in the head than use wing chun you. I stay in carry and conceal state too. So same applies for of my house too.

Someone at a club threathen you and your wife trying to get you to fight. He calls you punk and calls your woman a Biatch and say your yellow and scared. Just walk away. Don't get locked into a fools argument. You can pull your cell phone out and call 911. That way if you shoot him atleast you call the authorites first.

Now If that same person follows me to car. An tries to put his hands on me or my girl I am gonna hopefully try to knock him down on the ground. Pop the trunk and out comes the threesectional staff, my brick, or my baseball bat. An I going to hit him an his friends that try to jump in. Usually when someone is trying to start a fight they usually have friends ready to jump you. So If I am close enough to my car where I can run to it and pop the trunk. Then I will fight them. If not able to get to my car; Than I am kicking nutts, Punching throats, fingers and thumbs go into eyes, kicking knees. Kicking the sides of shins and knees. Stomping ankles and chainpunching noses. You get the idea.

You at a grocery store someone tries Argue with you over a parking space they wanted that you got. Say sorry and walk away. I don't think they will try to hit you if you walk away. Now if you argue with them, thats adding fuel to fire. If they continue to follow you and argue, walk over to where people are, an say "if you don't leave me alone I am going to call the police." That way you got witnesses that a person is harassing you. If the idiot follows you into a store walk over to the cashiers and let them know that your being harass, And can you speak to a manager. Get innocent body standards involved. I doubt the idoit is going to hit you now. But if they do an all these people see that your trying to advoid him and walking away from him than you got a license to kill him if he attacks you. But if he attacks you in the store don't hit back try to block an get out of the way. Then run away. Once you run away an he commence to chase you, now he has engage stalking and seeking to do you bodily harm. Run fast enough to give the appearance your afraid of him. Run some to place where your cornered and many witnesses are around. Then when he close in on you. Beg for him to stop say please I am sorry for taking your parking space. Please don't hurt me just leave me alone. Please Don't hurt me. Start screaming for help. Someone will call the police on a cell phone. If idiot is foolish enough to hit you while your corner. Then commence to grabing the hand that struck you in the face while taking your other hand to secure the elbow break the elbow at the same time stomp the knee in from the side(Scrape the shin) and move to neck to either rip the throat or break the neck. That way you have open and shut case. Self Defense. Many witnesses saw you run away. Others saw you scream for help and begged and plead to be let go.He had intent to do you bodily harm and wouldn't relent when you asked for forgiveness and freedom. He tried to get you. You fought out of fear for your life and duress. You were afraid for your life because he came with premeditated intent he stalked you and chased you and cornered you. Not only did he Verbally Assault you but he phyiscally tried to batter you. So when you go to court all those witnesses testify that dead man gave chase.The Dead man said he was going to hurt you. The dead man curse you when you pleaded for your life. The dead man didn't care you were scared of him. The dead man will have no witnesses nor will he be able to speak ill of you or plead his case because he is dead and he stalked you an sought to assualt you. Self Defense Close case.

Another incident. Some guys are sitting on your car. You got your daughter with you. They drunk and start cursing you or cursing your little daughter. Walk far enough that you don't have to attack them. Call the police on a cell phone. If you don't have cell phone asked someone to let you borrow one, or go to a payphone. Give your location and license number on your car. Wait far away from your car just close enough to where you can see the guys but not close enough for them run over to you an hit you. When the police comes walk over to your car tell them what happen. If the guys continue to curse. The cops are going to take them down. If the guys are some hard core crips or bloods with knives and brass knuckles and they think they going to beat you up infront of cops. Well Now Bil Gee to everyone throats. If they try to beat you up and the cops Only fight the ones who are fighting you. Don't help the police. Just elimnate those trying to hurt you. Your only focus is self preservation and protection of your daugther. Now after their elimnated move away an let the police finish adminstering takedowns and handcuffing procedure. Do not engage or assist the cops. Now if the police subdue their attackers before you. Then allow the police to assist you once they have taking the threat away move away. Now if your attackers or too much for the police an the cops fall, then you can continue to maime the attackers with police there. If you finish subduing your attackers first an the police still have not completely handcuff the Gangsters yet do not assist them until their attackers subdue them an the cops fall. Wait for attackers to make a move against you. That way if one of the police officers is still alive he will see you getting surrounded or flanked and hear you pleading and begging please just let me go. I don't want no problems please don't hurt me. When one moves in with a weapon maime him take his weapon and use it on the rest of them. That way if one of cops survives when you go to court you got a cop on your side along with camera that in the police car and besides some cops have recordings in their uniform kinda like a wire. So it will be heard in court you begging for your life. Please don't kill me. Then once you kill them its an open and shut case. Break every last one of their necks. Rip out their throats. Claw their faces, Push in their noses. What ever it takes.

Do you guys want more stories on when its okay to use your wing chun and when its not!

Wow! you just laid it all on the table. And totally went there.
I think people are afraid to seriously discuss this issue with that mindset. It's like their afraid to court or dealing with the legal system more than being killed or raped.
I always tell folks, "look, you have to survive to make it to court." If your worried about legal issues it will make you hesitate and possibly get you killed.
I'm not meaning to tell people that this attitude should be taken with every situation of conflict.

i.e. your family member or friend is drunk and just being a jerk, sure you'd take it easier on them.
or that one should be so ruthless even with minor conflicts with strangers that want to talk trash and egg you into a fight.
But, when It truely comes down to one being in immediate danger and there is no where to run to and their trying to kill or rape you or worse; then that situation should be handled with no remorse, no hesitations, no doubt, and no mercy.
it's an ugly topic, an ugly situation, and an ugly mindset, but what is even uglier is the fact that 1 in 5 women in the U.S. have been assaulted, or raped, that spousal abuse is rampant and punishment ineffective, that women are still not given the equality of men in the fact that it is EXPECTED that they should run like scared rabbits, and that they aren't encouraged or supported when they do survive or defend themselves in these encounters. It makes me feel like the "moral majority" believes that I don't have the human right to survive and defend myself and my family, and that does anger me.

But, not today. :)
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No No, not me I always tell me I am lover not a fighter. I just say no to violence. The only violence I see is on X-box, Television and what hear in rap music. Lol....ha ha......

I am glad you like the list. I hope others add to list. I would love to hear thier opinion?

lol! That's very good! You've had experience with this, no?
Very cool stuff.
I think people are losing their ever livin' minds these days! We used to go out to the sports bars and listen to the live bands that played on the weekends, play pool and such. But not anymore, I don't like hanging out like I did back in the day.
People just trip, and bother my buzz. (I really miss pool too! And live music!) It's like they don't go out to have fun anymore, they just have to mess with people.
They even get rude and pissy at the malls, and supermarkets to the point it just doesn't make any sense. But, I think folks are just ticked off in general these days with the way things have been going for the past 8 years.
I saw this guy yell and scream profanity at this gas station cashier just because he's register ran out of paper and couldn't print a reciept for him. He was complaining about gas prices too. He just wouldn't stop cussing him out and started to move over the counter like he was going to pull him out from behind it and beat him down. I was in line. He verbally threatened the cashier that he was going to kick his ****.
I said, "You sure are really angry over a little receipt. Maybe this day isn't going well for you. Everyone is unhappy with the gas prices. Their's no reason to take it out on some poor cashier."
He turned like he was going to scream some more until he saw the now very very long line, several women a couple of kids and such in line just looking at him in horror. He mumbled something, and just left slamming the door. (I didn't know you could slam those glass doors so hard! lol!) Sometimes when people act insane it's just that they don't have an outlet for thier outrage. He's mad about gas prices makeing him broke, and figured he can't get at the big oil companies, so he'll just pick on the little ol' gas station cashier. What a wimp!
Everyone doesn't take hard times very well. Accept for the black people who live in ghettos. They no whats it like to not have. But now alot people are having to go with out. Something they never experience are fathom. This is scary and hard to adapt too. Thats why many people just commit sucide when times get rough. As for the man he is A Typical some people are just mean no matter what. Especially hear in Missouri. Oh we aint gonna talk about New York attitudes. But if your in Texas you would think he would be more laid back. I got two cousins who live in Texas. They pretty laid back.

But as for Gas Prices all praise go to the Most High Yahweh because I haven't been spending over $20 recently to fill my tank up. I was spending $45 sometimes twice a week to fill my gas tank up. Now its down to like 18 something... I am overjoyed. Plust the gas seems to last alot longer. Before By the third or fourth day I was nearing Empty. An thats even with out running the Air Conditioning system in summer time. Gas Prices here have went down significantly. I pray they stay down. Its a blessing. Times are starting to get better. I hope people realize it and start treating one another kindly.

But as for going out. Some people just like to get drunk and go out cause trouble its fun for them. My younger Wing Chun brother was that way. Although he wasn't drunk He would often be looking for trouble. We go to clubs in When were in high school. If we seen kids from school who were thugs or gang members my Sidai would often say things to them to start a fight. Everyone always walked away and no one ever tried to jump us. But it wasn't for his lack of trying. I told him many times we can't just go around challenging people because their thugs or gangsters. I told him he had to get that fight mentality out of him. An learn how to go out meet the girls dance and have fun. I would always say look at all these women. Let thugs be thugs and lets do what men do. But it took years to grow out of that. I am sure if he really did grow out of it. He just stop going to clubs when he got religion. Lol....

But people do not know how to enjoy themselves your right. I went to movies with my wife last month. These teenagers were sitting right behind us. They we loud. An they kept kicking my seat and her seat. I turn around an looked at them several times to see if they would realize they were kicking my seat. Than eventually I asked the young girls to stop kicking my seat. My Wife was getting irritable and made the movie alot less enjoyable. But it was still a great movie even with the loud mouth ghetto girls behind us who kept kicking our seats from behind like they feet have no self control.

Both adults and children lack home training if you asked me. People don't respect others. Thats the problem. Now the guy at the gas station would have been upset if the cahsier had pull out a can of whoop **** on him. He would be ready to press charges and everything wouldn't he?

I think people are losing their ever livin' minds these days! We used to go out to the sports bars and listen to the live bands that played on the weekends, play pool and such. But not anymore, I don't like hanging out like I did back in the day.
People just trip, and bother my buzz. (I really miss pool too! And live music!) It's like they don't go out to have fun anymore, they just have to mess with people.

They even get rude and pissy at the malls, and supermarkets to the point it just doesn't make any sense. But, I think folks are just ticked off in general these days with the way things have been going for the past 8 years.

I saw this guy yell and scream profanity at this gas station cashier just because he's register ran out of paper and couldn't print a reciept for him. He was complaining about gas prices too. He just wouldn't stop cussing him out and started to move over the counter like he was going to pull him out from behind it and beat him down. I was in line. He verbally threatened the cashier that he was going to kick his ****.

I said, "You sure are really angry over a little receipt. Maybe this day isn't going well for you. Everyone is unhappy with the gas prices. Their's no reason to take it out on some poor cashier."

He turned like he was going to scream some more until he saw the now very very long line, several women a couple of kids and such in line just looking at him in horror. He mumbled something, and just left slamming the door. (I didn't know you could slam those glass doors so hard! lol!) Sometimes when people act insane it's just that they don't have an outlet for thier outrage. He's mad about gas prices makeing him broke, and figured he can't get at the big oil companies, so he'll just pick on the little ol' gas station cashier. What a wimp!
Everyone doesn't take hard times very well. Accept for the black people who live in ghettos. They no whats it like to not have. But now alot people are having to go with out. Something they never experience are fathom. This is scary and hard to adapt too. Thats why many people just commit sucide when times get rough. As for the man he is A Typical some people are just mean no matter what.

Both adults and children lack home training if you asked me. People don't respect others. Thats the problem. Now the guy at the gas station would have been upset if the cahsier had pull out a can of whoop **** on him. He would be ready to press charges and everything wouldn't he?

True, "ghetto" folks seem to have more fortitude in their philosophy in life. Their more accepting of what comes and that allows them to adapt to the situation more sometimes. Their more accepting of hard times and just do what they need to do to get on.
I see many people that have alot still seem to want more, and they allow their money and things define who and what they are as a person. It becomes the basis for their self-worth. And when that is jepordized they feel lost, afraid, and less of a person.
It's just stuff, money. Not the measurement of you as a human being. "the things you own end up owning you."

Gas and things got so expensive for us that we couldn't afford to inspect the car, put gas in it, repair minor repairs, fix a flat, or even get an oil change. It took every last bit of our extra cash. It broke down and the tags were out, wouldn't start. Hubbie started takeing the bus to work and riding his bike. The car got towed by the apartments. It was a relief! Half my irritation and troubles left with the tow truck man! lol!
It just simplified our life.
I do miss my car, but it's just not worth it right now.

And people don't seem to respect others, but they don't seem to respect themselves. If I had treated someone like that I would have been mortified with myself.
I think people need to learn more how to relate to eachother and express themselves in a more coherant manner when upset. Sure, I've got quite a temper somtimes, but I usually address the real issue of my agitation to the source OF my agitation. But, it seems people are more afraid to do that because it's a face to face thing, not very popular these days of flying electrons in the sky "connecting" everyone so well.

A simple statement of, "man! I am really frustrated!" Or, this makes me really angry!" can settle down alot of emotions and get them into a more logical scenario.
But, people don't talk like that, and they look at you funny when you do. Or say something smart. But, that's okay, you say it for yourself, not others. That's the whole reason for EXPRESSION of any nature.
Why do people look at you funny when you say what is frustrating you?

True, "ghetto" folks seem to have more fortitude in their philosophy in life. Their more accepting of what comes and that allows them to adapt to the situation more sometimes. Their more accepting of hard times and just do what they need to do to get on.
I see many people that have alot still seem to want more, and they allow their money and things define who and what they are as a person. It becomes the basis for their self-worth. And when that is jepordized they feel lost, afraid, and less of a person.
It's just stuff, money. Not the measurement of you as a human being. "the things you own end up owning you."

Gas and things got so expensive for us that we couldn't afford to inspect the car, put gas in it, repair minor repairs, fix a flat, or even get an oil change. It took every last bit of our extra cash. It broke down and the tags were out, wouldn't start. Hubbie started takeing the bus to work and riding his bike. The car got towed by the apartments. It was a relief! Half my irritation and troubles left with the tow truck man! lol!
It just simplified our life.
I do miss my car, but it's just not worth it right now.

And people don't seem to respect others, but they don't seem to respect themselves. If I had treated someone like that I would have been mortified with myself.
I think people need to learn more how to relate to eachother and express themselves in a more coherant manner when upset. Sure, I've got quite a temper somtimes, but I usually address the real issue of my agitation to the source OF my agitation. But, it seems people are more afraid to do that because it's a face to face thing, not very popular these days of flying electrons in the sky "connecting" everyone so well.

A simple statement of, "man! I am really frustrated!" Or, this makes me really angry!" can settle down alot of emotions and get them into a more logical scenario.
But, people don't talk like that, and they look at you funny when you do. Or say something smart. But, that's okay, you say it for yourself, not others. That's the whole reason for EXPRESSION of any nature.
The Wing Chun curl is also known as The Wing Chun flex.
Reason is it is the flextion of the spine and when you srike, you extend, known as the extension.
Not use to what?

Not used to someone honestly expressing their feelings and relating to others in a at least half-way intelligent manner. Everyone has to be hip, and say something snappy all the time, usually to avoid true dealings of people and feelings, or thoughts and opinions.
Or either they just don't really give a d*mn how I be feeling, and can't believe that I bothered to share with them. lol!
Please share some links that speak about the Wing Chun Flex. I have never heard this terminology before?

The Wing Chun curl is also known as The Wing Chun flex.
Reason is it is the flextion of the spine and when you srike, you extend, known as the extension.
Please share some links that speak about the Wing Chun Flex. I have never heard this terminology before?

With sports physiology and sports medicine we deal with alot of terminology in the sports field. I use these terminologies in teaching in my classes, because some students are interested in becoming personal trainers and going into the medical field.
This is a sport physology term for the body position of the "wing chun curl".
Do you also practice Wing Chun?

With sports physiology and sports medicine we deal with alot of terminology in the sports field. I use these terminologies in teaching in my classes, because some students are interested in becoming personal trainers and going into the medical field.
This is a sport physology term for the body position of the "wing chun curl".