WC/WT Baseball Bat Defences .

mook jong man

Senior Master
What are your Wing Chun /Wing Tsun defences against a two handed baseball bat swing to your head coming in on a horizontal or diagonal trajectory .

This is the one we used in our school , move straight in with your body angled at roughly 45 degrees so you are facing the direction of the force . As you move in raise your guard to protect your head , when you get in range put up two Fook Sau's so you look like a kangaroo , drop the Fook Sau's down on his hand and forearm area this is a double latch .

Don't intercept the bat , intercept the arms . Latch his arms down forcefully this will pull his upper body down , setting him up for a side slash to the throat with your closest arm , after you have struck his throat bring that arm down and latch his arm again as you pivot into him bringing an elbow strike crashing down into his sternum .

Make sure you bring the elbow high up close to your ear in a circular fashion and bring it downwards into his body this will ensure he absorbs the full impact , also at the point of impact make sure you slightly dip your knees for maximum power.

Keep in mind that you maybe in a sort of no mans land where it maybe more advantageous to shift back a couple of inches and avoid the initial swing rather than getting smashed as you are caught halfway in . This type of judgement of range requires a fair bit of practice.
That sounds like a great drill...

What are your Wing Chun /Wing Tsun defences against a two handed baseball bat swing to your head coming in on a horizontal or diagonal trajectory .

This is the one we used in our school , move straight in with your body angled at roughly 45 degrees so you are facing the direction of the force . As you move in raise your guard to protect your head , when you get in range put up two Fook Sau's so you look like a kangaroo , drop the Fook Sau's down on his hand and forearm area this is a double latch .

Don't intercept the bat , intercept the arms . Latch his arms down forcefully this will pull his upper body down , setting him up for a side slash to the throat with your closest arm , after you have struck his throat bring that arm down and latch his arm again as you pivot into him bringing an elbow strike crashing down into his sternum .

Make sure you bring the elbow high up close to your ear in a circular fashion and bring it downwards into his body this will ensure he absorbs the full impact , also at the point of impact make sure you slightly dip your knees for maximum power.

Keep in mind that you maybe in a sort of no mans land where it maybe more advantageous to shift back a couple of inches and avoid the initial swing rather than getting smashed as you are caught halfway in . This type of judgement of range requires a fair bit of practice.
Well of course it depends on the distance and moving in is usualy a good either against rund punches/sttacks/stuff. In my interpretation of the forms this would qualify as an emergency thing so if the attack is going horizontal to your head in my book it would be ok to duck/bob/weave it. You know the thing in Biu tze where you go down? Thats one aspect in my opinion. And as you said you can't intercept/deflect a god damn bat.. :) One thing that comes to mind to is a well timed kick!

I would like to add too that being attacked with a weapond is pretty screwed up in my book. I mean realy... And without theorising or philosophing to much... It's screwed up. Your unarmed and the guy has a HUGE advantage. I know one one thread a questione was asked what about if your attacked with a long pole to the knees, do you jump? I mean what do you do if the guy has a bazooka? Do you pak it, tan it or bong it? NO YOU RUN AWAY! Lol, well it depends what your purpose is.. If it's selfdefence and you want to survive thats self defence too.

Oh yea... And please don't think I'm saying you guys are so dumb becouse your discusing techniques about it! On the contrary it should be asked and practiced! Its allways that what if question. But you have to realise it screwed up too. I hope the mods say I can post that picture.. The guy has 5 centi deep and 5 centi long slashes all over him... And yea he survied but still. If he wore a skinny guy like me more demage would be done :)
i have done a drill like this though not with wing chun, to stop the bat you have to get very close to the attacker, its kind of the opposite thing that your mind wants you to do ie you feel you should get away from the bat. but like mook says get in close and accept his arms or the bat very close to where the hands grip it then there is very little impact
You are so correct running is always the best option. But if your surrounded and one guy has a bat. Running an getting tied up with the eight or nine guys may not be best option. You want to neutralize the biggest threat first. An then if you can grasp the weapon even the odds. But if you can escape running is safest answer sometimes. Unless your run out of breath. Or you run down an alley that is a dead end. There could be a problem. But other than that you should be good I think.

But sometimes you may be in a situtation where you too close to attacker to move back or duck. An you only have time to move in and brace your self for a hit. But if you can capture his center and deflect his hands. Thats a pretty tight response. In my opinion. But I think I would do this as a last option. I would probably run until I find a weapon!

Eru Ilúvatar;1100622 said:
Well of course it depends on the distance and moving in is usualy a good either against rund punches/sttacks/stuff. In my interpretation of the forms this would qualify as an emergency thing so if the attack is going horizontal to your head in my book it would be ok to duck/bob/weave it. You know the thing in Biu tze where you go down? Thats one aspect in my opinion. And as you said you can't intercept/deflect a god damn bat.. :) One thing that comes to mind to is a well timed kick!

I would like to add too that being attacked with a weapond is pretty screwed up in my book. I mean realy... And without theorising or philosophing to much... It's screwed up. Your unarmed and the guy has a HUGE advantage. I know one one thread a questione was asked what about if your attacked with a long pole to the knees, do you jump? I mean what do you do if the guy has a bazooka? Do you pak it, tan it or bong it? NO YOU RUN AWAY! Lol, well it depends what your purpose is.. If it's selfdefence and you want to survive thats self defence too.

Oh yea... And please don't think I'm saying you guys are so dumb becouse your discusing techniques about it! On the contrary it should be asked and practiced! Its allways that what if question. But you have to realise it screwed up too. I hope the mods say I can post that picture.. The guy has 5 centi deep and 5 centi long slashes all over him... And yea he survied but still. If he wore a skinny guy like me more demage would be done :)
i am a large man most people leave me alone:) like mook describes get insde the arc of the swing and you can cancel out the power of the bat then elbows and chops to the head and neck of the attacker till he dont want anymore.
i am a large man most people leave me alone:) like mook describes get insde the arc of the swing and you can cancel out the power of the bat then elbows and chops to the head and neck of the attacker till he dont want anymore.