the weapon I would like to learn about


Senior Master
I was thinking what kind of martial art meapon I would like to learn and I conclude the short baton (kali or scrima stick). I know how to use a firearm, I was a top competitor in my shooting range, I practiced a shooting course named Tiro Mexicano de Defensa (Mexican Defense Shooting Course) using the venarable M1911A1 Cal.45 acp, I hunt too so firearms are second nature for me, however in Mexico is almost imposible for the average person to get a carry permit.

But well, returning to MA weapons, I would like to learn to use efectively the short batons or scrima sticks cause I consider them a natural way of weapon, I mean this weapon was the very firts the man used for ofense/defense since the ancient times and as impact weapons in very good hands can be devastadore.

Nunchakus are prohinbited by law in my city , fierarms and knives, but police never mind to found a stick in a car, nobody looks at you as a gang for carrying a pair of sticks in his bag hung of the shoulder and there are colapsable batons that are discret to carry on the person.

Sadly there is no arnis or kalli masters in my city.


I train Krav Maga and weapons are part of the system. Now and then we have seminars on weapons defense and use that are open to the public.

I know there is a Krav Maga Worldwide in Veracruz and there are other KM schools in Mexico. You might try to see if there are any KM weapons seminars coming up soon. If not, perhaps one of the KM instructors you contact can refer you to somebody who would train you in weapons or a school that could in your area.

I can recommend Dan Anderson's "Fast Track Arnis" DVD's. They are very well presented and enable a person with an empty-hand BB's understanding of movement to get the basics of Arnis/Eskrima and practice them with a partner.

Best regards,

I hate to say it, but I agree. If there's nothing available to you... go video for FMA.

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