Well, just think about the simple example I posed earlier of the reverse punch. It's not seen frequently in Olympic TKD sparring, but consider it outside of that context with and without hogu. Without a hogu, reverse punches are very painful, even if you don't deliver it full force by design or because the target managed to slip away to minimize the power delivered. With a hogu, if you don't land it flush with hips thrust forward, the target will feel some hard pressure on his torso, but that's it. The hogu also takes away any non-concussive type attacks like a claw hand or a spear hand or even a knife hand in some respects.
This is coming from someone like me who deliberately builds up his reverse punch by using makiwara.
Of course your mileage may vary if all you do is sport type kicking and punching.
This is coming from someone like me who deliberately builds up his reverse punch by using makiwara.
Of course your mileage may vary if all you do is sport type kicking and punching.