The United States Has Fallen...

sgtmac_46 said:
I think the standard should be that for public purposes, such as roads, the state or federal government should pay for property at "fair market value." Private developing companies who wish to make a profit off of the property should be forced to pay double or triple "fair market value".

Meaning if the fair market price of a given property is $150,000 they should have to pay $300,000 or $450,000 for the property. This would be the only fair way to go and, while it would not make everyone happy, it would be at least equitable.

That's just my take on the issue.
Exactly what I was thinking. I would suggest that a solution to this problem would be another Constitutional amendment declaring just that. If it's for a road or something, maybe, but if it's for capitalist advancement, then that double/triple market value is just a part of the investment. If the state or feds or even municipality wants to help the investors some way through tax relief or grants or whatever, then we can cross that bridge when we come to it, but I think it should be included as part of the company's investment.
I wouldn't say that the U.S. has fallen. Because without businesses we can not do anything. But don't take me the wrong way I am not saying it's okay to take people's property (unless they owe taxes... REPO!!) but I do not think that The U.S. has become as bad as you make it seem. But I also don't think it is the best place in the world. There are a lot of things wrong with the way our government is run by Republicans and Democrats alike. Even though I believe we should just drop the damn labels and become Americans. We need more nationalism is what we need. Hmm that was kinda' off track. But a good point any way.
the aggregate yearly taxrate is over 50%, the bill of rights are circumvented and held in abeyance at every opportunity. but hey whats another little babystep who needs that pesky fifth amendmant
andy said:
the aggregate yearly taxrate is over 50%, the bill of rights are circumvented and held in abeyance at every opportunity. but hey whats another little babystep who needs that pesky fifth amendmant
The fifth amendmant is the last nail holding the constitution on the wall. They have been feverishly trying to pull that nail for years.

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