This is the basics. but it becomes more difficult if the power hand is forward. I like to have my power hand forward (best hand forward). Slipping to my the outside of my left hand works like you have described. Slipping to my right hand side not so much. The majority of the people are trained to fight with there Power hand back. In general this means the weaker hand is up front. But this isn't the case for me.So the center line is from the top of the head down through the body to the ground. You want your attacks to go through this line. You can attack this line from any angle.
Using the DK Yoo boxing clip above as reference. If you attack inside the opponents lead arm you have to deal with the back hand which is usually the opponents power hand. So going up the center means your two hands vs his two hands. Doing the clock wise circle means always moving into the opponents power hand. This is your option 1
Option two. is to move to the outside of the lead arm/leg and then attack in to the center. In the clip above Manny P does this a few times. There are many way to do this but basically you move counter clockwise but cut the circle to get close to their body attacking from outside the lead arm into their center. Now you do not have to deal with their power hand. Their body is in effect trapping the power hand because it has to cross their own body to get to you.
Think of it like fencing, Do you hold the sword with your best hand or the weakest hand? If, you hold the sword with your weakest hand then it's much easier to get around it than if you hold the sword with your best hand. It works the same in fighting. I have the hand with the most dexterity forward which will allow me to
To put this into perspective. Lomenchenko is right handed but fights south paw. The stuff he is doing is only because he's putting his best hand (the one with the most dexterity) forward. If you an I were to play tag, you will try to tag me with your best hand because that's the hand that can better deal with angle cuts. The Irony about the right hand and the left hand is that the left hand is that the weakest hand usually shoots out the fastest. The strongest hand usually chambers (pulls back) the fastest.