The To-Shin Do Experience

RRouuselot said:
You mean this one?

12-DVD Black Belt Home Study Course
Our Flagship Course! 15-hour DVD program leading to 1st Degree Black Belt in To-Shin Do 21st Century Ninja Self-Protection... (more details)

Nothing takes the place of a real teacher.........
Wow. A lot went down while I was at work. Anyway, yes friend, this is the course I am currently studying. I intend to study them all over time. I have a training partner who is also a beginner. I am going to start attending the Hombu Dojo in Dayton Ohio next year when I move back home. Currently I am stationed in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii and there are no To-Shin Do Dojos here. Actually, you can't get your black belt by video in To-Shin Do. You can practice what is taught in the videos and travel back and forth occationaly to the main dojo to test for it and get personal instuction. You can test for lower belts by video though. Whether or not I ever test for anything I really enjoy the videos. I have taken Al Tracy Kenpo, Shotokan, Shootfighting, and until I started these courses, I didn't feel as connected as I do now. It is good for me personally. I agree with you as far as saying it is good to have an instuctor. I look forward to having one next year, but for now I use my available resources. I hope this answered your questions about what I do. I will not argue with you about whether or not To-Shin Do is valid or not. I deeply repect An-Shu Hayes and I don't believe in arguing about his ways of teaching. May your paths be equally fullfilling.
why don't you go to one of the ninja schools
This gets to me. At least you didnt say "little" ninja schools.

It just seems a little hard to practice a combative art if there is nobody to "combat" against.......
Toshindo, like many martial arts, is a way. Do (way) means that it wont necessarily make you a better fighter, teacher present or not.
Shogun said:
This gets to me. At least you didnt say "little" ninja schools.

Toshindo, like many martial arts, is a way. Do (way) means that it wont necessarily make you a better fighter, teacher present or not.

Really? Why?
Sorry to say but with the exception of Don Roley (who is a personal friend of mine here in Tokyo) I find most of the people that do Ninjutsu to be overly sensitive when asked about their art or how they trained.

However, speaking of little ninja this site is pretty kool:
Hi Everyone,

I have trained in the martial arts for over 25 years attaining multistyle black belts along the way, plus hold a European Kickboxing Title. I think home study courses are a means to an end. The begining of a journey so to speak not the destination. Sadly however there are several great teachers out there and several not so great. I bleieve An Shu Stephen Hayes is one of those greats. An Shu Hayes writes in response to this very question.

"Wouldn't it be better to study martial arts at a real school?
Would it be better to study in person at a mediocre school, or long-distance at an excellent school? Many students choose our Home Study programs because they are disappointed with local martial arts schools. Many found weak curriculums instead of inspiring courses, odd stylized moves instead of realistic combat, "home-made" patchworks instead of authentic historical traditions, and quirky or egotistical instructors instead of inspiring teachers of reassuring dignity and elevated character. What if you cannot find anything close to what we offer? SKH Quest Long Distance Learning programs are your best course of action."

I have visited several "Ninja" schools in my area and was not overly impressed. I think as long as the person is honest from day one regarding their certification, the student can choose when or where they wish to train. (Please don't take this as a negative remark, it was not meant as one.)

I am sure that if any teacher including An Shu Hayes feels the student is not ready then they are not allowed to move onto the next belt. But then there is the age old question: "What is a black belt anyways?"

Regards to all
gmunoz said:
The way you gave your opinion could've been taken as offensive. Perhaps you could more adequately state your opinions.

BTW, is this you Sojobow? I knew you couldn't stay away! Welcome back buddy!%-}
You're new here aren't you kid?
Hi Bester,
Welcome to Martial talk. From your posts I take it you are interested in learning some form of Ninjutsu/Ninjitsu? I can understand asking questions as you want to make sure you are training with someone of good standing, why waste years training to find that your teacher isn't all they say they are.LOL.

I think you'll find training with An Shu Stephen Hayes/Toshindo a safe bet. I have trained in the martial arts for a while and all the people I have spoken to regarding An Shu Hayes and Toshindo have given high praises. But at the end of the day it all boils down to how well does the teacher move and express their ideas...

Good luck on your search


PS. Welcome once more to martial talk
Limeydog said:
....... But at the end of the day it all boils down to how well does the teacher move and express their ideas...

Just an addition to thatÂ…..How well can you understand and then apply what is being taught? My late sword teacher Mr. Sugino was very skilled; I could see and understand his actions but could not reproduce them myself.
I Believe and I think I may have mentioned this before that the HSC is the begining not the end of training. To some who have no school in their area HSC is the only way. However once one has attained rank they should find ways to actually train at the Hombu/Head Dojo either through private lessons or seminars/special events...

For example I have started the Toshindo home study programme, so have a few members on this forum, you will find us at the next Toshindo camp in Dayton Ohio, Sept 10-11 2005 (Jason, Gabriel and Myself). I am sure we will get extra feed back from our "Home" training there. Myself personally hope to open a Quest center in my home town in the near future. I also think that there is a set standard for rank on a HSC (of course this depends on the moral structure of the school and instructor). I am sure that there are people who will try to take advantage of "Quick Rank", however in the Toshindo HSC you can only grade every 6-9 months (Depending on experience of course) and then only upto Brown Belt. Your Black Belt MUST be in person.

I get nervous when I hear of people getting black belts in one year, rather than 4, 5 or 8 years. But then black belt is the start of training not the be all and end all. I believe that An Shu Stephen Hayes and his Toshindo school has high standard and any rank is not just "That easy to get".

Just my 10 cents worth

For those of us who are a little slow (or just too tired to read back through alot) would you clarify how this works?

You watch the videos, practice with a partner (who may or may not be experienced).
You videotape yourself doing a test and send it in for grading, however blackbelt testing must be done in person.

Am I understanding this right?

Obviously training in person is the best way, however I can see the validity of this method. For example, Hatsumi is holder of ancient scrolls, documenting the techniques of the ancient families. He can not possibly have learned everything. So he is basically "learning by book reading" himself at times. How is this any different than if someone with experience also reads a book, or watches a video?

There is a key point here the experience to properly process what one is seeing. Some people will do things right, others will need more hands-on correction.
Bester said:
For those of us who are a little slow (or just too tired to read back through alot) would you clarify how this works?

You watch the videos, practice with a partner (who may or may not be experienced).
You videotape yourself doing a test and send it in for grading, however blackbelt testing must be done in person.

Am I understanding this right?
Yes. That is correct. I give you a gold star for retention. :-partyon:
Satt said:
Yes. That is correct. I give you a gold star for retention. :-partyon:
Wait. It is not water I am retaining is it?

You are a master memory retainer. Even when people hit you in the head like this...:whip:
Okay fellow To-Shin Do brethren,

Looks like there should be less arguing around here for awhile (thank God). It gets pretty tiresome trying to defend oneself. Anyhow, how many are going to Fall Festival in Dayton next Fall? Have you registered already? If you do so now, you can get it for a reduced rate. How are you getting there? Are you aware that any other style can attend?
gmunoz said:
Okay fellow To-Shin Do brethren,

Looks like there should be less arguing around here for awhile (thank God). It gets pretty tiresome trying to defend oneself. Anyhow, how many are going to Fall Festival in Dayton next Fall? Have you registered already? If you do so now, you can get it for a reduced rate. How are you getting there? Are you aware that any other style can attend?
I am pretty sure anyone can go. I just have to save some money for a while. It is kindof expensive. I will drive there though and get a hotel. I think I am gonna go a couple days early and attend a couple classes before hand.
I have found Independence Air to be reasonably priced to Dayton. If you book early, the cost is 30 dollars less. Also, if you go early, the one-day mat fee at Hombu is reduced.
I shall definately be there in Sept. I will also probably go down a little earlier to get some serious training in, possibly get some private training/mat time.

Looking forward to meeting everyone, so I can put a face to a name. Hey Satt you look very much like Will Farrell. Uncanny LOL. Thanks for the new email address.

Bester, hope the information from the last few posts have helped somewhat. Yes you can test upto Brown belt by video but have to test in person before An Shu Hayes. I think it works. If you are not ready to test then youdon't test. The good news is you don't have to repay the test fee if you fail, they hold onto it for you...

All in all i think a lot of thought went into the Toshindo/Quest HSC. But the proof will be in how well everyone moves in Sept...
Well, i've got some good news. My wife decided she wants to start working out again and I told her that I will take her to the gym with me if she will start helping me practice my HSC videos. Now I have a training partner!!! Kinda like Gabriel and his son. I am really excited. Hopefully she will stick with it though. I really want us both to be in good shape and I think it would be so awesome to study martial arts with my wife!!!
Well...I won't be attending the Festival since I will definitely not be welcome :)

But since most of you attending the festival will be in my town, it would be a shame not to meet you if the opportunity presented itself and if you like, you can come to the dojo I train at for some training as well.
