The Study - It is a silly place, can I (or you) make it go away

I have to say thanks for the study. I like discussion of political topics as well as martial arts topics and this cuts down on where I have to go to see it. I find it interesting how many people who are probably not on my side of most issues are the first ones to want to silence discussion and debate of any kind. The study is one option out of how many? It is no different than the hatred of Fox news. There are hundreds of cable stations and yet Fox news is the only one people want to get rid of. They don't have to go there, there is no requirement that you have to go to the study before you talk about kenjutsu, kempo, or brazillian jujutsu. If you don't like the topics on the study, why on earth would you want to get rid of it? Go to all the other options on this site. Thanks for the study, I think it is great. Long live freedom of the press and free thought!

You might try reading the entire post before you post an accusation or insinuate I want to silence discussion or debate or that I am against freedom of the press.

If you want a bully pulpit to complain about something might I suggest the study and the next time you accuse someone of trying to silence the press or wanting to suppress freedom of speah might I suggest you find someone that actually is… oh since I am not a member of congress might I suggest you read this

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Figure out what it actually means before you apply it to a webpage.
oh yeah, that "Freedom of Speech" thing. Doesn't exist here. Anyone who thinks it does well, doesn't understand the USC. Though if y'all would hurry up and elect me to the Senate it might. ;)
oh yeah, that "Freedom of Speech" thing. Doesn't exist here. Anyone who thinks it does well, doesn't understand the USC. Though if y'all would hurry up and elect me to the Senate it might. ;)
Senate? I thought you were interested in the Presidency!

You folks think I want to have to deal with Congress? My first order would be to abolish them and put control of the states under their governors......saw something similar in a movie once. ;)
Tez3, They didn't say they want to silence me, they just want the Study shut down. That makes sense. Stevebjj, Some people on don't like the study. Instead of going to the Bjj forum or kempo forum and ignoring the Study, they want it taken down, does that really make sense? Xue Sheng, I am sorry, did I mention you by name? I wasn't even addressing you in particular let alone generally. I looked at this paricular thread and I see that someone is calling for the Study to be shut down because they don't like it. With all the other threads on this forum it is silly for people to request that one thread, that they do not even have to go to, that a lot of people obviously enjoy, because they like verbal sparring, should be shut down. I did not mention any names, and I was responding to a post that someone put on a thread anyone could see. Where am I wrong? W.C. Jay rockefeller, a sitting U.S. senator expressed his desire to try to get the FCC to get rid of Fox cable news and MSNBc. He is a part of the government and he does want to censor free speech, that is also what net neurality is all about as well. I know you cannot censor free speech, and I know this forum is not a free speech zone. Again, I was simply responding to an open post. Thanks.
Sorry W.C. I did not mean you I meant to address Xue and his comment about the first ammendment. Sorry.
Tez3, They didn't say they want to silence me, they just want the Study shut down. That makes sense. Stevebjj, Some people on don't like the study. Instead of going to the Bjj forum or kempo forum and ignoring the Study, they want it taken down, does that really make sense? Xue Sheng, I am sorry, did I mention you by name? I wasn't even addressing you in particular let alone generally. I looked at this paricular thread and I see that someone is calling for the Study to be shut down because they don't like it. With all the other threads on this forum it is silly for people to request that one thread, that they do not even have to go to, that a lot of people obviously enjoy, because they like verbal sparring, should be shut down. I did not mention any names, and I was responding to a post that someone put on a thread anyone could see. Where am I wrong? W.C. Jay rockefeller, a sitting U.S. senator expressed his desire to try to get the FCC to get rid of Fox cable news and MSNBc. He is a part of the government and he does want to censor free speech, that is also what net neurality is all about as well. I know you cannot censor free speech, and I know this forum is not a free speech zone. Again, I was simply responding to an open post. Thanks.

Nobody has said they want to shut the Study down at all, you need it to more carefully. there is an option on here where you can put people whose posts you don't want to read on 'ignore', XS was wondering if there was a similiar function where he could put the Study on ignore, for himself, no one else.
As long as you are polite, don't swear or attack other posters this is a free speech place, all you need is good manners
Hey Tez3, your right, I focused on the tag line and that influenced my read of the rest of the post. Sorry, I am corrected. In the immortal words of Emily Lutella, "Never mind."
I just wanted to say that I am still not a big fan of the study but I was spending some time on another website and they have a section, ironically called the “Religious Section”, that makes the study look like an elementary school play… was by far a much sillier place than the study has ever been here on MT.
I think perhaps though these places do have a use, so many peole these days feel impotent both at work and home. People have to work horrible, mundane jobs, long hours, they worry about their homes, kids etc etc. No one seems to listen to them and they feel like small people. The internet forums, give them a voice, make them feel they are being heard and they can rant to their hearts content, they can put people down in a way that they can't at work, the boss yells at them they can't do anything but boy they'll show that poster from the other night a thing or two! Read it and weep! It's the land of 'I'm right and you're wrong'. A poster can be a big person on the internet even if he'/she is a shivering little mouse anywhere else. They can be the haughty know it all, or set themselves up to be a guru and have people follow their every word whereas in real life people would walk past them without even seeing them.

Perhaps after venting their spleen or putting the world to rights people are better tempered with their loved ones, who knows but it's really best to take everything with a pinch of salt. Have a rant yourself, try it, you know you want to :)
I think perhaps though these places do have a use, so many peole these days feel impotent both at work and home. People have to work horrible, mundane jobs, long hours, they worry about their homes, kids etc etc. No one seems to listen to them and they feel like small people. The internet forums, give them a voice, make them feel they are being heard and they can rant to their hearts content, they can put people down in a way that they can't at work, the boss yells at them they can't do anything but boy they'll show that poster from the other night a thing or two! Read it and weep! It's the land of 'I'm right and you're wrong'. A poster can be a big person on the internet even if he'/she is a shivering little mouse anywhere else. They can be the haughty know it all, or set themselves up to be a guru and have people follow their every word whereas in real life people would walk past them without even seeing them.

Perhaps after venting their spleen or putting the world to rights people are better tempered with their loved ones, who knows but it's really best to take everything with a pinch of salt. Have a rant yourself, try it, you know you want to :)

Thanks for giving us a little insight into your life, and I want you to know that I'd never "just walk past [you] without even seein [you]".
That's uncalled for.

It is, rather uncalled for.

I posted on here about aspects of my life, including those about me and my brother. And the people here and on other forums i belong to have let me. which I really appreciate. :) Thanks. :) I think forums are a good venting place for people at times. maybe the person who hates their work and cant vent on facebook cause they might be fired and they need the money. I think people with problems can self soothe using forums. I use them for my depression, they help. Tez was most likely not talking about her own life but using some random examples.
It is, rather uncalled for.

I posted on here about aspects of my life, including those about me and my brother. And the people here and on other forums i belong to have let me. which I really appreciate. :) Thanks. :) I think forums are a good venting place for people at times. maybe the person who hates their work and cant vent on facebook cause they might be fired and they need the money. I think people with problems can self soothe using forums. I use them for my depression, they help. Tez was most likely not talking about her own life but using some random examples.

I certainly wasn't talking about my own life, Yorkshirelad is just being insulting as is his wont when talking to me.

I go on MT because I enjoy it here, if I feel I need to vent at anyone who has annoyed me I do. In my job we have bosses one can shout at if we think they are being arseholes lol. If you can't stand up for yourself don't do the job, simples.

Stop with the personal shots. Please refesh yourself with the forum rules that you all agreed to when you joined the forum.

That being said, keep the thread civil. Use the ignore function if you don't wish to see another members posts.

MT Asst. Admin
Ladies and gentleman…kindly stop it. It is stuff like this that makes me not such a great fan of the study.

The sight I am referring to shall remain nameless but here is what I am talking about that went on…in a religious section or directly related to that section

1. Religious Intolerance
2. Bigotry
3. Name calling
4. Vulgarity
5. Stalking - on the site in other areas and outside of the site but directly related to the site
6. Sexist insults
7. Blatant Sexual Innuendos
8. Ganging up on a user to yell him down because he was not of the same religion (see #1)
9. Insults
10. Arguing
11. Personal attacks
12. Threats, generally via PM or e-mail (see #5)
13. Owner/Moderator completely ignoring complaints of many in favor of a few

And I am pretty sure I am missing a few and believe me, it was not a site that you would expect any of this on. If it was one of a few MA sites I know of I would not be surprised, but it was not an MA site.

And it was this type of thing that made me less annoyed with the study here on MT and left me with a rather good impression of the moderators here on MT and the Gwad Emperor of MT and the work they do. The post that MJS just put in here would have never happened there… Thank you MJS

Nuff said…this thread is becoming a silly place…lets not go here

Xue, I agree. The lovely and cute mods here do a great job. :) I love how heated subjects can be discussed and mods help keep them nice without everyone breaking out into a hissy fit. :)
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Xue, I agree. The lovely and cute mods here do a great job. :) I love how heated subjects can be discussed and mods help keep them nice without everyone breaking out into a hissy fit. :)
She said I was cute. :)

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